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Learning Environment

Using the right choice of colors and music when appropriate can definately stimulate the senses therefore enhance the learning environment.

The learning environment is just as important as the learning material or presenter. A classroom too hot or too cold is a distraction for the student.

The environment is an important part of a student's abilities to learn. We must strive to provide an environment that is condusive to the needs of the students.

I agree. My students are more productive when thier is music in class.

I think the arrangement of the desks is important also. Such as grouping for collaboration.

As an instructor I find that having up beat music in my lab helps me keep my mood upbeat for the students also.

Unfortunately we are no longer allowed to use music in the classroom. I miss it and I definitely think it enhanced the learning environment. Also, the students would naturally stay quieter to be able to hear the music.

music does make a bi difference in the environment. in the field i teach in playing music on a loud speaker keeps the place calm and also gets the studdnts in the mood to work at a good pace!

It is interesting that there can be school rules/policies that make it difficult to create a more conducive learning environment for our students. It seems to be a contradiction when we are trying to optimize a learner focus. I wonder if other learning facilitators have run into this issue.

I really enjoy learning of these various things in enhance learning in the classroom. I'm going to try these.

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