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Review for retension

After each segment of instruction, I always ask a few questions about what was covered in the last few minutes. This lets me know who is really paying attention and who really is haveing trouble with the information. I don't want to continue until all understand the subject matter. At the end of the day again ask more questions and lastly start the new day with again more questions. I know the more I ask the more I get back in feed back and the better retention the students have.

Some students do not like to ask questions. In order for all to become involved I start reviewing the material learned the day before and work my way into that days material. We process together through discussion of how does this information apply to their future scope of practice. Sometimes the individual does not know what they have questions about. Sometimes listening to others provokes learning without being singled out. Asking an open ended question about the day before topics: example...what is the implication to the patient when we donnot understand why we do a skill a specific way?

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