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Creative Random Assignments

When I use random assignment for informal groups, I like to be creative and use other than numbers. I am lucky to have Dollar Stores in the area, so sometimes I buy pencils in assorted designs and have them draw. Or organic lollipops and separate by flavors. Once I used favorite Halloween costume categories: scary, historical figures, occupations and so on. But in that particular class, I already knew that everyone celebrated Halloween. Not everyone does so the last suggestion is not always appropriate. I work with creative students and out of the box random assignments can be mini ice breakers in themselves. I am curious to know what else people have done.

Even my mixed group enjoys some randomization.

I think that this is a great idea, but I am teaching accounting and I will have to think outside my "accountants" box to come up with a way to implement this.

It allows those that are shy a platforn for particpation.

I am creating an assignment with my math teachers that you might use. Have them do numerology with their names and break up into random groups that way. If you have too many threes then break them up by one of the first numbers they came up with. Example: thier number might have been a twelve that is reduced to a three. so you have some as twelves and some as threes.

A method that I have used to break up the class in groups is to have them draw numbers or letters out of a hat as they enter the room. There are enough slips of paper to allow 5 - 6 students per group, depending on the class size. I have also had classes where there were less then 6 students, this caused the class to become one big group.

i love this idea....and i also like the randomization because its not just the instructor delegating because some students dont like never having a chance to chose.

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