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changing learning groups

I tell my students from day one, that I will be changing their work groups almost daily. I tell them that this is as it will be in the work force. Where each person must work with and attain to strive to an end with a group of people who are not all on the same page, but must still write the book

Hi Steven!

I am curious how changing groups daily turns out for both the student and for you? Does it cause confusion for students?

Keep up the good work!

Jane Davis
ED106 Facilitator

Not at all. The students accept it from day one because I tell them that is what to expect. Also it seems to force students to work more with each other, no one can just sit back and expecct thier group to carry them all the time.

It also allows me to watch the interaction between my students as the class progresses.

I find it useful to be able to restructure groups especially if you get a group of goofers... it can help to keep everyone focused and professional.

i have found that by changing groups i find out who works well together and those that have difficulty working together i feel it also helps them to be able to interact with all different types of personalities in a professional manner so when they make the change from class room to real work they are better prepaires to step out of their comfortable zone and do what it takes to get the job completed

Hi Jacalyn!

I like this approach. As I said previously, I like short term projects so students engage quickly and move along with the project with an urgency to complete. Even thos "draggers" often pick up the pace.

Keep up the good work!

Jane Davis
ED106 facilitator

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