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Lab groups

I like to lecture for the first part of class and then move to a small group for lab. It seems to work for the hands on part of the course and the students participate more in lab. After a break (in which some become tired) my students appear more interested in the material.

I like to discuss topics in a class room setting to establish he "what-why & how" we are going to do in the lab 1st - then get into groups to simulate actual job conditions and get them used to working as a group vs. as an indivisual

I like to have lab groups because they can work to their groups ability and not feel like the group is boring or loose interest. I also like to have groups of more advanced sstudents to help students who are having problems with skills.

The use of lab groups can be very useful at various points of the phase. A example is during my section of a/c components I use groups of 4 to 5 students to discuss and give examples of various parts why are they there how will the component work if it is good and how will it work if it is defective then each group will have to go in front of the class to give there presention of there component and the whole class is now involved into each and every part within the a/c system.

Hi Melissa!

Great approach! I think instructors lose student's attention when they fail to change up their teaching strategies during class. Students are more engaged; therefore, retention is improved.

Keep up the good work!

Jane Davis
ED106 Facilitator

Greetings Alonzo!

This approach ensures that everyone has a clear understanding of the topic of discussion and expectations for group/lab work. I really like it!

Good job!

jane Davis
ED106 Facilitator

Utilizing groups for lab has the added benefit of being able to have one student observe and evaluate with a teacher generated form. Each student takes a turn --observing while paying close attention to written procedure steps force students to be more aware of the steps involved and how easily one can miss a step.

I agree Ellen, lab work is probably the most ideal place for group work. Typically, students don't have to come up with a plan of attack or determine a leader or break the plan down into individual work assignments.

Good job!

Jane Davis
ED106 Facilitator

I do that also and I find that it creates a more stress free enviroment in the lab. Some of my students find the lab fun when others are shaking so hard you can see their scrubs moving!

Utilizing group for medical lab has helped with my teaching style of learn one, do one, teach one

Stacy Short

Hi Stacy!

Thanks for this reminder!

Jane Davis
ED106 Facilitator

The majority of our work is done in lab groups; the students love the hands on protion. We begin class with lecture and demo and most of the time during the lecture the student begin to have the glazed over look and the demos at times seem to lose some of their attention. I like to move around during the lacture and use Powerpoint slides and randomly get the students to read the highlights from the slides. Also during demo I will ask question reffering back to the slides that relate to the demo at hand.

In our school, Half the clas time is spent in lab and lab groups are important to for from day one. I can't help one student if others with them are slightly ahead and they can learn from that student

I agree with this fomat of lecture-then-lab. I can remember a time when I didn't take the time to break students up into groups. Lab was chaotic at best. Groups help tremendously with lab organization and evaluation.

I find that shorter, more frequent trips to the lab work better during the longer sections, as it helps to refocus the students. Boring them for 6 hours of straight lecture, then working them like dogs for 6 hours straight of lab the next day is not nearly as effective as breaking it up over time.

I find that to be one of the more challenging aspects to teaching. Every group is different and getting the mix between lab and lecture just right means sometimes not following the schedule that you first passed out. But it is always in the students best intrest to play to their weakness and give them more time there.

Helping to relieve stress in an environment where the student may be performing a task for the 1st time will always help their learning curve. I also find that peer pressure from the other group members can occasionally drive the students to do better.

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