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Student relationships

Playing a short 'getting to know you' game will allow the students to be more comfortable with each other. They may notice strengths in on another and find better ways to work together.

I always have my students introduce themselves an talk about themselves. I find it breaks the ice, and students get to know one another.

this is a great point. While they need to work well together, building relationships is a key part of this.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

The first day of class, I like to have the students introduce themselves by telling a little story about why they chose to pursue their chosen field of study.

It not only allows me, as well as the other students, to learn more about the student, but allows allows the student who making the introduction really think about their passion for their potential future career choice.

I like to allow the students to introduce themselves and talk about what their expectations are for the class. This helps me to introduce and relate the goals and objectives that are designed in the curriculum to their expectations.

I do the same at the beginning of the first class. I find it does help break the ice and lets the students get to know each other and have a resource within the classroom.

I also have them fill out an index card with personal info.just for me.

I too have the students introduce themselves to each other on the first day of the class. I list the topics that they are to cover on the board so that they know what to say; name, any experience to the career choice they are studying, and one fun fact about themselves. I like the “Fun Fact” as it allows for the other students to discover a personal fact in a safe manner and in most cases allows for connections to begin immediately.

In my current class, the new student proudly stated to the class his “Fun Fact” was that due to an injury as a child, he could not feel pain and proceeded to tell the class the things that do not hurt him. A couple of students offered to hit him to see if it was true, others were shocked. I’m thinking of the HIPPA issues and divulging of personal medical issues. I later found this student also has a learning disability that contributes to his lack of a “filter” when he communicates in the class.

I our Lab group I try to point out the differnt strtnh of the student on hands on to class room work to leadership

I do the same thing with each one of my new classes. It goes a long way and I love it! It gives me an opportunity to know my students on a more personal level and allows me to hold them accountable along the way.

I always like to start off telling students about me without getting personal, about my career and how I started. I tell them one serious story and one funny story. I then go around the room and ask each one why they are in my class and what their expectations are and how they like to learn. I then bring out the syllabus and go over in a light and fun way what is expected of them. I make sure I am always upbeat, friendly, happy and excited, but not in a fake way. I let them know that I am human too, and how hard I worked to obtain the position I am in now.

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