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respect is important

we should teach the studnts that we should respect people who come from diffrent culture and we should not make joke on them

I agree with this statement. Too many times I have seen or heard discrimination in the classrooms or the school itself. We should not turn our heads to this behavior as all it does is condone their actions!!

I agree that the students and also the instructors must respect each other. Post secondary education is a privilege and not a right. Everyone has to pay for this privilege and must be treated equally. I believe that diversity in a classroom offers a chance to interact with other cultures just as you would in the working world. A student needs to look at diversity as a chance to further their education and it can be a large benefit that pays dividends in the future.

Respect is very important. Respect is not owed it is earned. I wish all people could understand respect specially in a diverse enviroment like the class room.

and this is a valuable life skill that needs to be & can be developed in our classes as we must learn to listen to & value the opinions of others. I don't have to embrace the others' opinions, but I should learn to listen & respect them.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

I agree.
Without respect to one another there will be chaos.
Everybody doing their own thing and problems will start.

I agree and as the instructor you set the tone in your class. once you see or hear of any disrespect towards any student, you need to "nip it in the bud" immediately.

and this really does flow from the instructor. The more respect I show to all of my students, the more likely they will be to show that respect to one another.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

I agree, if students doesn't have respect for one another. Your class will be out of control and have no respect for one another.

I agree totally. We should have each student respect each other cultures and not make fun of them.

this is a great point, regarding the awarenss factor. Often we are not aware of our behaviors or the impact they have, but when we can help show this to others it benefits all.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

I agree that every individual in my class will treat eachother with respect no matter what culture they come from sometimes we use role play an senarios that surprise them. They never thought they were being disrespectful. So now they will think before they say things that may upset someone else.

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