learning together
It is critical to have and understanding where students are coming from when deciding on how to approach teaching a class with diverse learning styles and capabilities. rebecca
and the more we make ourselves available for the students the more likely they are to seek that help & support from us.
Ryan Meers, Ph.D.
When students come together to participate in learning, I feel it is important to re enforce the value of what they bring. An example would be for them to share their successful experiences from the past. I would also welcome hearing of the challenges they faced and how these were overcome. In this way, students begin to recognize a common thread between one another. From here, they can then begin to experience their own thread of potential as being a vital part in succesfully weaving of a cohesive fabric of supportive learning and positive growth.
It is a chalenge to teach a class with the average student, but knowing you have one that needs help is more enjoyable. Once the lights come on with the average class you know you have done good, but when you see it come on in one that needs more its like Iceing on a cake.
Students have complimented me for taking the extra time before or after class to help them be successful in the class. As the class progress, the students were not in need of much help. I do enjoy when the light comes on becuase you know as an instructor that the students and students with disabilities have grasped the material.
yes, when we see a student who has struggled succeed it really is very rewarding.
Ryan Meers, Ph.D.