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This is a great example of a comparison question that can enhance students' learning.

Judy Mohammed


Great example! I especially like comparison questions that are thought-provoking.

Judy Mohammed


Great example! Comparison questions encourage thought.

Judy Mohammed


You have given good examples of comparison, closed ended, and open ended questions here, encouraging students to think throuhg the process.

Judy Mohammed


Good question! I would offer more guidance here though. What specifically do you want them to compare?

Judy Mohammed

These are two different types of computer data network devices. A Hub allows multiple hosts (computers) to connect and sends all messages it receives on to all other hosts connected. A Switch allows the same kinds of connections, but is smarter and only sends the messages to the host to which it is addressed. It is a bit open ended.



Thank you for the clarification. I have no clue about this.

Judy Mohammed

Compare First and Third Angle projections on a Blueprint?

Stuart ,

Good example of a comparison question! Do you use these often?

Judy Mohammed

Why do you think the fuel delivery system goes lean from a faulty gas cap?


This is a great open-ended question. How might you turn it into a comparison question?

Judy Mohammed

In one of our classes we discuss two very different engines. I use multiple questions during class to make sure students know the different operations of both.


Great way to use comparison questions! Do you find that they retain the knowledge better using these questions?

Judy Mohammed

What is the relationship between a thesis statement and topic sentences in an essay? How is the function of a topic sentence in a paragraph similar to that of a thesis statement for an essay?


Good examples! One might argue that the first question could be open to interpretation and could be an open ended question. A more definitive closed ended might simply be, “What is a thesis statement?”

Judy Mohammed

Please compare the differences and similarities between a Myocardial Infarction and a Transit Ischemic attack

Grisel ,

Great example of a comparitive question! Do you plan questions into your lessons?

Judy Mohammed

What is the difference between an adjective and adverb? How do you utilize them effectively in your writing?


Do you find learning more effective when you use questions?

Judy Mohammed

Most definitely. By incorporating questioning, students have to be geared up and prepared to interact in the lesson

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