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Bloom’s Taxonomy

How does the flipped classroom help the students reach higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy?

The flipped classroom helps students reach higher levels of Bloom's taxonomy by providing more opportunities for activities, hands on, experiments, interaction, etc. The more a student can integrate the concepts he or she is exposed to, the higher levels of thinking that can be attained.

Good Afternoon:
The higher levels of Bloom's Taxonomy are attained mainly through interactive learning. In order to effectivel apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate, one should "talk through" a problem. The social interaction with peers and instructors is how the learning process develops into the higher stages.

The "flipped" classroom encourages and offers more opportunity for students to "talk and think" out loud---I spoke with an instructor years ago and she stated students should 'hear themselves think'. I feel this is really good description of how we should facilitate their learning process. thankyou


Very true. Higher levels of thinking equals higher levels of learning which equals a higher level of implementation of concepts.

Dr. Moody Crews


Absolutely. You can't reach the higher levels of Bloom's Taxonomy with pure lecture and regurgitation of concepts.

Dr. Moody Crews

Students move beyond the recall phase of learning to understand how the concept is used in real life. Much of today's educational literature supports the standards learning outcomes of problem solving and real life applications. Students need to be able to understand and apply their learning for their future careers. Flipped learning environments provide the students with the laboratory for experimentation and analysis of concepts before they enter the career field.

As the student progresses through the different levels of Bloom's taxonomy they also are progressing through their own personal development. They move from recognizing and defining of concepts to practicing, questioning and applying concepts to real world situations. This progression through Bloom's taxonomy in itself allows the student to advance to higher levels of knowledge, understanding and application of what they have learned in the classroom. The flipped classroom gives the student a virtual playground in which to apply and practice what they have learned rather than using just rote memorization and the tradtitional paper test.

The pre-class work is excellent at helping students with the knowledge, comprehension and application. By utilizing in-class time, teachers can engage students further into higher levels of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.


Very true. Just a reminder that Bloom's Taxonomy has been revised. Make sure you're looking at the revised taxonomy and not the original.

Dr. Moody Crews


I like the terminology "virtual playground" because isn't that how it should be so that learning is fun.

Dr. Moody Crews


Absolutely. When you think about it we used to waste a lot of time in class giving them the basic knowledge component of their learning and then expected the student to somehow get to the higher level learning on their own.

Dr. Moody Crews

Students began by creating based on the objective presented in the book. The whole idea is that students move at there on pace. So they develop the higher level skills first. The students then end up at your desired result-understanding and remembering.

The flipped classroom allows the first few levels (the ones that require the simplest type of thought) to take place on the student's time, at home. They can go at their own pace to make sure they have absorbed and retained all the content information. This allows time in the classroom to reach the higher levels of Blooms Taxonomy, such as Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation. Reaching these levels of thought requires the interactive guidance of their instructor as well as discussion with peers. Hands-on learning and other types of interaction with the content are also beneficial. Taking the simple content delivery out of the class time allows much more time for these activities which engage higher level thinking. This in turn leads to a more complete and useful understanding of the concept.

Students are able to reach higher levels of Bloom's Taxonomy because they are able to have ample time to review information before coming back into the classroom. Once in the class they are able to apply what they learned and teach other classmates and do hands on activities to test the knowledge that they now have.

I wasn't aware that it had been revised. Thanks for the update Dr. Crews.

The flipped classroom helps students reach higher levels of Bloom's Taxonomy by allowing students to study at home on knowledge and comprehension. Then while they are in class they can get help on the first two levels. Mostly they can delve into the application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
On a side note - I have never studied about Bloom's Taxonomy. Thank you for including them in this study! They will be helpful for my future classes to help evaluate my students on where they are and where they need to be.

Hi Hannah,
Great description of what the Flipped classroom technique does for the Blooms levels. At the higher levels more information is also retained for a longer time frame.
By getting the students to evaluation their own work and others, they simulate peer review comments as a skill for a higher level job position after graduation. This is a skill that is good for the students to practice in a non- threatening environment in school and develop a thicker skin for critiques, learn how to deliver a balanced critique and how to defend their own work.


Actually, understanding and remembering are the base skills which students must know. However, the goal is for students to reach the higher levels of analyzing, evaluating, and creating.

Dr. Moody Crews


Check out the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy. Synthesis and Evaluation have been replace with Evaluating and Creating.

Dr. Moody Crews


Agreed. The instructor is also able to assist students in reaching those higher learning by taking the content deeper.

Dr. Moody Crews

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