I know for myself that I am up to date with technology, but some of my coworkers will have alot to do to become prepared for a flipped classroom.
I'm not as up to date on things as I would like to believe I am. For the most part I can get through new software or technology and not make a fool of myself but others need to be taken by the hand and lead step by step. I find that having an inservice on new techniques, equipment, procedure, etc is very helpful. It gives the ones that are somewhat knowledgable a refresher and maybe they learn something new. Also it teaches the ones that don't anything about it the basics they need to begin implimenting without causing them embarassment because they don't know.
Likewise, I know that I am not as current with the new technology as I would like to be. To flip my current class and bring it more into alignment with the industry might not take that much work. But to tackle some of the other classes at our school would require that a lot of the instructors get out of their comfort zones and step up.
I try and staty current. I recently took a couple of courses and more and more Im noting instructors flipping the class room. Not only do the instructors have to embrace the technology so does the students
The students are better prepared to receive this than I am to prepare and present it :)
I have not yet flipped any of my classes mainly becasue I do not feel confident in utilizing and being dependant on technology. I do see how the younger generations would love to be in a class that follows this model. I guess start off slow, get trainign and modify as you go.
I am very interested in the flipped classroom model. I will begin to research it further.
I feel that being prepared is absolutely critical to the classrooms success. Not being prepared is a sign of unprofessionalism and ultimately lead to students rebeling against your leadership.
I would like to think that I am up to date with the latest technological advances. I like to bring technology into the classroom and I seek opportunities to do so.
I do believe that being prepare it is absolutely necessery when you are dealing with new contents even when you need to teach something that you have already taught. I think it is essential for every instructor