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Developing Your Communication Skills | Origin: ED106

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Enhancing Student Learning --> Developing Your Communication Skills

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viewed this course after giving a lecture that i redesigned on the spur of the moment.  I noticed that I did incoporate outlineing and topic pts, but problably used 8 or 9, instead of 4.  Am giving the same lecture in 1/2 hour, will work to limit points/topics to more manageable chunks.  am planning on video taping lectures soon, boy am I nervous.  I'm sure i have a few tics to work out.  I do manage to walk around the class and have never liked to stand behind a podium for long.  will be alert and aware of the fidgeting factor as well.  My fidget is the power point advancer. 

In order to maintain students attention you must do certain things like:

Makinng eye contact

Move around the classroom

Allow time betwween questions and answers in order for students to tune in

It would be helpful to videotape your presentations so that you can see where you need improvement


From this module, I have learned that certain tone and pace of voice are really important when lecturing. Moving around the room helps keep the students focused by redirecting their attention by giving their brain time to focus again. I look forward to applying what I learned from the module while speaking to my students and making sure to not fidget so much with pen clicking.

I found this intersting, walking around the room "floating" helps keep students engaged.  I need to be mindful not to fidgit or pace around the room, and pauses can help studdent retain informaiont better.


The importance, and ways by which I can improve my non-verbal communication. 


This is eye-opening information regarding communication. I have learned that clear and precise communication with confidence and authority is very essential for students to understand the clear expectations. I do not like to video myself, however, I will need to apply this now due to the situation our nation is going through. I will have to video an online course with a demonstration for clinical within a few weeks.


i have learned how to keep the attenction of the classroom through jesters and eye contact.

I've learned not to use the lecturn as a block between myself and the class.  I need to "float" more. 

A lot of useful information here on engaging students while lecturing. Using a pause to let  students "reset" and be able to refocus on the subject or point you're moving on to is helpful. I'm already a pretty animated person when presenting, but I'd like to video myself sometime to see if there are annoying things that I might do while lecturing that I'm unaware of.

Seth Soronnadi

Learned that; "Fidgeting with something while talking is a common annoying mannerism. Instructors who play with a rubber band, ballpoint pen, or some other object make the object the center of attention. Students easily lose focus on the lecture, as they wonder what the instructor will do with the object next."


Maintaining students' attention is important. Using eye contact, projecting my voice, not fidgeting, and floating around the classroom are key points to remember.


Eye contact is an essential form of communcation not only for your students but for anyone that you encounter.


Be aware of distractions. such as fidgeting with objects while speaking, lingering eye contact. By videotaping myself  I may discover some practices I need to work onl


I learned a lot from this lecture epecially movement in class and also the voice recording review. I will apply that more into my lectures.


I learned that I need to work on my speech  to make sure I talk clearly  

video / recording lecture is a good technique to evaluate

I enjoyed reading about how to engage learners, with content, facial expressions and planning. 

I learned to ensure that I need make eye contact with each studednt, and to watch my pacing and hand gestures.

How rto make sure that I keep my students engaged by using a variety of methods such s pausing, repeating and being aware of my non verbal cues


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