understanding the differences, benefits and challenges with different types of assessments and how to monitor student progress with what was learned.
Assessments may be formative or summative and may consist of traditional quizzes and tests, or of lab projects, case studies, written papers, or constructive projects. Good assessments are based on the course outcomes and use authentic methods to effectively assess what is being taught.
I believe that you should use both assessment types in there proper places. I am a welding instructor who would use traditional in the theory class and authentic in the welding lab.
This is perfect for one to one virtual education
An assessment is a process that both the student and the instructor can use. It is used to track the student's progress in addition to accountability and improvement.
This module highlighted the use of assessment and its value. I enjoyed the breakdown of traditional assessment vs authentic assessment. My biggest takeaway was that with traditional assessment, the curriculum drives the assessment, and with authentic assessment, the assessment drives the curriculum. The backward design model fits my class assessments well "as it focuses on the student's ability to perform the tasks and display the skills and knowledge required on the job."
When designing competency-based assessments, it's important to begin with the desired outcome and work backward to determine how to get the students there and to assess their success in achieving mastery.
Assessments are a requirement. during the ongoing teaching process that I will use to see if the student is able to apply the knowledge in class instruction.
Very helpful to have a clearer understanding of objectives vs outcomes and traditional vs authentic assessment.
Authentic assessment can be hard to create but they give the instructure a more complete understanding of the students knowledge and understanding of a concept and ability to complete a task.