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Strategies for teaching a lot of theory

I have theory heavy classes such as ethics and political science. I've been incorporating more group discussion, film clips, current news internet clips, and anonymous surveys into class, but I'm dying for new ideas for other group or individual activities that are not so discussion oriented. I want to maintain a balance between discussion and other types of lessons. I'd appreciate any suggestions.
Thank you,


Consider having students write about the info they review as opposed to talking about it. Other ideas would be to have them act things out or create political cartoons about the topis that express opposing viewpoints. If you email me at, I will send you some handouts that may have an idea or two that appeal to you.

Jeffrey Schillinger

Hi Melville,
I have had some success with lighting fast mini research projects, especially when teaching a 4-5 hour long class. I would have them break into teams and quickly research a topic I assigned them, paraphrase the key points, drop some images and text into powerpoint (or copy something from the library), rehearse, and then present to the class. The presentations were sloppy, but actually pretty darn good considering they only had an hour or so to work. For your classes it might be a chance to stage debates.
It worked because it was high energy, physical and self directed. I often combined it with break time so they have an incentive to hustle so they can have more time to eat or relax.


Great idea. Thanks for sharing this.

Jeffrey Schillinger

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