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Experiential Learning

My reflective question remains is how can we more effectively incorporate experiential learning into our courses? Our adult learners have so much to share and we need to allow them to focus on the practical application of knowledge rather than theoretical considerations.



Depending on the subject, students can get a number of experiential learning opportunities. In addition to the traditional experiences, such as a 12 week assignment as part of a curriculum, students can do short stints shadowing professionals or observations.

Jeffrey Schillinger


Most of my work is online and that is where I am looking for further opportunities to incorporate exponential learning. One thing that I have recently tried with much success is the use of simulations to satisfy a learning outcome that involves ethics. Here is the URL for this site.


I have found that experiental learning is best expressed in the hands on clinical part of an adult learners education. If the program they are in has clinical and lab instruction then it allows them the ability to use what is discussed in theory in the hands on practical setting. In this setting is when they use experiental learning taking the guidance of the instructor and following policy and procedure to create a work flow that works best for them. There is a trial and error piece to this setting as they progress through the course.



Some programs offer online simulations prior to having students engage with patients in a clinical setting. Are such simulations available to your students?

Jeffrey Schillinger

In my classroom I like to believe that projects help the student mind comprehend what we're learning more efficiently.

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