This topic gives me a better understanding of how the adult learner's brain works when processing new information.
It will help me better facilitate the information to adult learning students.
With a bettter understanding lessons and activities can be created that will help the students to gain experience in using both concrete and abstract thinking.
Educators have such a responsibility and a challenging role in meeting the needs of individual learners. With the average age of the adult learners entering into career education being 28 and the brain has recently reached maturity the recipients should have this information too. Learning logs may be helpful in the beginning of school for these adult learners.
Teaching adult learners will require a variation in learning tools. All students retain information at different levels and as a facilitator you need to add concrete, hands on activities that student to relate information too for future recall.
Some of this information I am familiar with. But, I have probably learned that my brain is capable of learning 400 new things per year. I was particularly interested in how students use the filters of deletion, distortion, and generalizations. Deletion for insturctors is hard because you don't want to be obvious with key concepts, but want them to realize they are key concepts.
I agree this gives me a better insight to the adult learner and how to structure things better for the class and them.
This topic gives me a better idea of the adult learning brain. It will help me understand my adult learning students, and helps me better assist them with the learning process.