student frustration
We have to be on the lookout for signs of student frustration, because each student is different this may be more apparent in some students than others.
Thomas, we must always be mindful of students' body language, as it will give valuable insight to their moods.
with so many differant things that can trigger a students fustration an instructor must always remain calm and collected when deeling with these students.
We also have to be aware of the situation and not get caught up in it, only as a third party to try to help the student and not join in to their frustration.
If we can correct this frustration early hopefully we can stop it before it becomes a bigger problem
I couldn't agree more, it is so easy to get cuaght up and make their frustration yours. If that happens usually nobody wins and the problem can easily go unresolved.
Yes body language is important to read especially if the student has violent tendencies, a very short fuse, or both.
i think most students get frustrated due to the learning path and if they get off that path then the frustration starts.
We also need to help with the frustration, so it doesnt infect other students.
A frustrated student can really poison your whole class. Sometimes their problems come from experiences prior to your class and it's hard to get them on the right track.