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I totally agree that is best to try to know your students as quickly as possible. I had a occasion where a student was late every day, when after a week I sought her out, I found out that her 5year old daughter was in the hospital. She went to visit her for supper, before coming to class. By knowing this I was able to help her stay in the class and get the work completed even while having concern for her daughter. If I would not have sought her out I would never have known.

I find that the more I know about my students the better it is for both of us. I also let them know something about me. I am able to connect with my students on a personal level, and it helps alleviate some of the fear that they may have about me. Reducing anxiety is important when it comes to learning.

Hi Gloria,
Thank you for sharing this story. This is what being an instructor is all about. We impact the lives of our students in many ways and in this case your impact was student success in your course in spite of her daughter's illness. Good point on the human aspects of teaching.

Hi Audrey,
Learning involves listening and both you and your students are practicing this by learning more about each other. This helps to start the development of respect and rapport. Thanks for sharing with us.

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