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Instructor REFOCUS

Why do instructors need to occasionally take time and "REFOCUS" themselves in order to be more effective with their students?

The state of an instructor is a main component in determining the success or failure of a class. When an instructor is burned out, or otherwise disinterested, and distracted from fully participating in creating an atmosphere conducive to learning for the group of students, everyone is left feeling like the class was a waste of time, energy and money.

That sort of disappointment, rooted in a failure by the instructor to show enthusiasm and presence, will contribute to poor attendance, lack of enthusiasm and participation from the students.

If this happens at the beginning of their training, they may just walk away from the program all together and leave with a sour feeling about the school in general.

The balance of that is, that even if a student feels that they are not having a great experience with the larger entity of the school management or financial aid office, they may be encouraged to stay and continue their career path because of the positive re-enforcement, approval and support they experience in classes with their instructors. =D

Instructor passion for his or her field and enthusiasm for teaching about it are two of the essentials needed for teaching success. It is for sure that if the instructor is not excited about being in the classroom or lab it is for sure the students won't be either.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

You become less effective and lose student interest when you feel burned out.

Scenario: It is week 7 of a 10 week course, you are spending more time chasing down homework and tests than preping for new learning activities. You have frustration that the students seem to have less desire for their success than you do for them. This is the time that everyone involved has settled into default patterns. Students may be falling in to old habits from prior schooling, or they may be settling into patterns of conditioning from their histories, like "you will never succeed at anything." Instructors may be defaulting to blame and judgment.

The only person who can change this scenario is the instructor. The concepts in REFOCUS give a map to step out of this situation, reinspire the students, point out default patterns and re-engage themselves and the students. With out techniques like this we see instructor burnout and poor student outcomes.

I agree that only the teacher has the ability to change up the situation and make it better. I like the idea of adding something FUN and NEW into the class (such as the Crisis Game) to re-energize the class again.

Sometimes Instructors get to overwhelmed and try to work themselves to hard. When I get this way I like to enjoy watching my students learn and when I teach them a strategy or procedure that motivates me and helps me to refocus.

Your scenario is one that I think all instructors have lived through. Students get worn down and tired just as does the instructor and this is when learning really drops off. With REFOCUS we have a chance to fire of the learning once again and get our students back on track.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

The students really like this effort and get re-engaged in the learning process. If we don't do something like this then it is a grinding process until the end of the course.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Thank you for this point. We need to realize that if we become worn down and are not being as effective as we can be with our students. We need to work smart in our planning and instruction so we can maintain our edge as learning leaders.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I think refocusing is a good way to keep things interesting and make the information more interesting.

What are some strategies you use to refocus your students when you see them drifting off?

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

We all become "wore out" during the class period. Sometimes it is good to refocus your energy and lecture to make sure you are be as instructive as possible.

This really gives instructors the opportunity to try a new method to get the attention of the students.

We are human and sometimes get stuck in a rut. However, making the effort to focus on WHY we are here makes the job more delightful when we realize that what we are doing in changing our students' lives for the better.

cause students can be overwhelming at times and its good to be refocused so you can be an effective instructor

I believe REFOCUSING is a great idea to bring back enthusiasm in ourselves as well as in our students.

I think we know 'why' instructors need to take time to refocus (to avoid lethargy, complacency, etc..). I'd like to know different methods instructors choose to do this? I run a massage school. Periodically, I take my students to a nearby walking Labyrinth. Not only is the labyrinth designed to refocus/center ourselves, but the change of atmosphere/environment not only re-energizes me, it re-energizes the students! They come back refreshed and ready to go!

How do you refocus yourself when this happens?

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Yes, it is. It is fun to recapture the enthusiasm you had for teaching the course and sharing that with your students.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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