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Increasing Intrinsic Motivation

Students in our program are here because they want to be a successful dental hygienist. It is so motivating for me to see them develop their skills as they go through the program. Their intrinsic desire grows along with their confidence levels. Receiving positive feedback from instructors who are passionate about teaching continues to increase their motivation.

Kimberlee, well stated. For some students the only positive influence they may have will come from their instructors and other members of the institution. Thanks for being one of those positive factors that continually motivate students.

James Jackson

Using job related relevance as a metaphor for assessment tools (rather then just numbers and grades) increases student motivation. For example, based on the quix grade, what can you tell me about who is ready for ... and who is not?

Barry, YES! One of the most insightful posts I have seen in a while and you totally get it. Students go to a CAREER College to focus on a Career therefore job relevance within the classroom is critical. Regardless of the subject, math, language, literacy or something more directly related to their career field, all instructors need to bring relevance of a job into the conversation. Thanks and very well done.

James Jackson

I currently have a student who I am experimenting with. She has a "grouchy" demeanor. I have decided to work on complimenting her and see what happens. Already, she is "brightening up". We used to rarely see a smile and now she is cheerful at times. I think the positiveness is really helping her and motivating her. When I pass back a paper and say "good job" or "nice work" I can tell it means a lot to her. It really has motivated her so far, I think.

Shara, Dr. Joe Pace from The Pacific Institute has suggested that it can take as many as 11 positives to make up for a single negative since negative energy tends to be so much more prevalent in the lives of our students. The more positive energy we can utilize as instructors has a definite impact on the overall ability for our students to fully engage in the learning process. Great post and very interested in what others have to include.

James Jackson

I completely agree with Dr. Pace, and his belief that it takes 11 positives to make up for a single negative. I am an instructor at a Cosmetology school and there are so many times when I can see negative energy with the students. They might have had someone give them a negative comment about a haircut or color and it makes them stop trying or excited to be at school anymore. I have noticed whether it is me, another instructor, or student, or even a client that gives them a positive comment about something, slowly they start to remember why they are at school and why they have the passion to be there. It gives them the motivation they need to keep going!

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