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Intrensic or extrensic

Should people go to work because they love their job or for money?

Arisa, very true. Praise in public but discipline in private as they say. If course this assumes you know your students well enough to know the extraverts from the introverts. Thanks for sharing.

James Jackson

CINDY, be very careful in taking how you personally feel with the wider majority. There are many individuals in the world that make a great deal of money and are simply miserable. I know some of these individuals personally and can assure you the amount of money you make is not always related to happiness.

James Jackson

I agree! I find it unusual though that many/most of my students seem motivated more extrinsically than intrinsically. At least that's what they verbalize when asked the question. As someone who is largely intrinsically motivated I find it difficult to connect with them at times. I believe they are intrinsic (who isn't at least a little?) but they don't like to publicize those thoughts and feelings.

Any tips?

Students are extrinsic when there are options
for rewards. I see the amazing look on my students faces when they have accomplish a goal in the classroom. When they are able to showcase their success in front of their peers, it's a
feeling of pride and joy.

If you are passionate about your work it will fuel your motivation and ultimately your performance making you more valuable. The two should go hand in hand . There is so much of life we spend at work it should be engaging, challenging and rewarding. This is something I think our students see or don't see in us as teachers

I think both. I think it is unrealistic in today's world to say compensation is not a factor. It goes hand in hand with happiness in my opinion. I wouldn't love teaching if there were only rewards of seeing my students learn and excel. While money doesn't provide happiness, it can help in stress reduction. But note, I said both, not just one.

You are absolutely right Mr. Jackson. The question came up when in one of the questions from the quiz I responded to both and I got it wrong. It expected me to respond extrinsic when searching for a job but I agree with you. Everyday I come to work I leave happier than when I started my day. A paycheck is a bonus for what I love to do.


Jaime Sandoval

Jaime, I discuss this question with my students a lot. I personally think that it is more important to work because you love the job. If you love what you do, you will be happy. If you are happy, you will work harder and the money will come. Even if it does not, to the degree you had expected, you will still be happy doing the job you love. And, as they say, money doesn't buy happiness!

Jaime, both. What is wrong getting paid for something you love to do? This is the empowerment of earning a college degree - you have more choices available.

James Jackson

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