Getting the student attention, and keeping it, by incorporating stories of when you,the instructor, were a student.
Hi Funmilola,
Listening is key! Students feel important when they are listened to.
Patricia Scales
Listening is the most important component. The student feels confident that you can advise them based on who they are
Hi David,
Students want to and need to hear success stories to get them excited/motivated.
Patricia Scales
The utilization of "real-life" success stories can motivate students to achieve success.
An instructor must place himself or herself in the shoes of the student to fully understand the student's way of thinking.
Hi Shoukat,
On a daily basis, we have to think of ways to motivate our students. We have to help them keep their eyes on the prize.
Patricia Scales
Some motivation stories in between the lecture
The key components of successful student advising include knowing the student's situation such as home life, job, etc. as well as their learning and academic styles coupled with their goals for their future. Interspersed into the advising must be an understanding of their financial aid needs and other monetary concerns. Once the whole picture is ascertained only then can constructive advisement occur.
I agree with maria at time student do need to vent
Hi Reza,
I concur! We all have limitations, and students should know their limitations so that things are more realistic.
Patricia Scales
Hi Jodi,
I love your perspective. I am sure you do a fine job advising students and showing them that you geniunely care.
Patricia Scales
Hi Mike,
Students need to know that we truly care about their success and them as a person. This caring is really shown through action.
Patricia Scales
Hi Joey,
It can sometimes be tough to convince students to stay in school. I ask a simple question. Do you really and truly want to be here? If the student answers yes, we can work through things. If the student says no, I do not waste any more of the student's time nor my time.
Patricia Scales
Hi Emma,
It is great to love what you do. Continue to lead our students in the right direction.
Patricia Scales
My students are all adult students. I believe the key factor in student advising is match their needs with their goals because they are more goal oriented and they want to see what the immediate application of what they learn is on their career. So first you have to be a good listener and then helping them make decisions based on their goals and their limitations. It is important for them to realize their limitation so later in the course they won’t be disappointed.
Understand the goal of the student, the needs of the student, the mindset of the student, the policies and the goal of the institution and then proceed in a caring manner.
Advising can show that you actually care. Cause the instructor who doesnt spend or make time to do would be generally looked upon by his or her students as some one who probably doesnt have very much genuine concern.
As an Instructor, having the capability of advising students, especially if you are trying to encourage to stay in school has a big impact on the every students' lives.
Good Day to Everyone, I am very happy of my job not only as an Educator, instructing students but also as an Advisor, advising Students reach their goals and to be Successful Graduates of their chosen Program.
There are Steps in Advising to be Successful Advisors to Students. Here are the Steps.
First, Exploration of life goals.Second, Exploration of vocational goals. Third, Program choice. Fourth, Course choice, and last but not the least is Scheduling classes.