From this module I learned that motivating my students is very important for student success.
"Transcending the message" was an interesting concept - not just the what, but the how, of delivery.
Providing immediate feedback is crucial to a students development through the course. I have pushed to do this and can improve my methods of delivery. This course is a great reminder of how important it is.
This module for me is being real with my students. We are all here to learn, even the instructors.
I will come with a positive attitude , motivational words of encouragement and let them know they are in a safe space .
I learned from this lessons about the different learning styles of students I will apply my expertise and passion for the field to incorporate student learning
Showing students that you genuinely care about their learning makes such a difference in how they approach a class.
Having a very empathetic vibe shows that the instructor is human and with that comes vulnerabilities too. Clarity is something I sometimes struggle with, especially when I do not have foreknowledge about students to get a flavor of who the student is. In that instance, I have to take a step back to realize, the cohort may not know what my expectations are even with clarity because some in the cohort have no working knowledge of the field and others have a great amount of experience in the field. Being a Clinical Educator in the allied health arena I have to really be aware of not getting off target with real-world stories without tying into the learning objectives and standards of the profession. It's a struggle , so self-reflection is my best friend :-)
Possessing a genuine enthusiasm for a subject is infectious. Do not try and demonstrate the course material through humilating presentation, but rather, know your students and bring the material to them in a complelling and electrifying way. Make it relevant, know you students and what they desire then address their interest during lecture. Its all about engagement with the student body, rather than being insecure and using your abilities to control the flow of the classroom.
Motivating students is complex and highly dependent on the individual and the situation. It is difficult to individualize all subject matter to properly motivate an entire class of students, but with persoal experience in the field they intend to work in, I can hope to reach most of them and give them insight that is helpful.
motivation is very important not only for the students but for the instructors as well. I have learned that by keeping the students engaged and motivated, we are able to harness that energy and re circulate it back into the class
I learn the importance of feedback, not to embarrass the students and create a positive environment when teaching.
Take you time to focus individually on the student, this will help to motivate the student sucess