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control the enivorment

be supportive

set the tone

Identify student needs and give positive feedback.


Use supportive responses with adult teaching and makding them feel secure and a sense of atuonomy


Adult learners make decisions in almost every aspect of their lives. As a result, having an increased level of autonomy in their learning process positively impacts their motivation level. A feeling of security is also important and links to motivation. Fostering an environment in which students feel supported, understood, comfortable with making mistakes without having the fear of being "embarrased" in front of others or without immediate impact on their grade results in better engagement and better overall motivation. 


Allow students feedback to enhance more engagement & share life experiences,


I encourage students not to get discouraged on tough assignments are do able and show them their opininon is valued.

I like the strategy of allowing students to create their own test question.


Learned a lot. 


Adult learners are here to learn and take school seriously.


Be supportive in every way specially with adult student that may have a lots of questions.



It is important to motivate and encourage students to express their fears and concerns in a program.

Security issues can be addressed during instruction, questions and acitivites. The classroom is a sanctuary for learning. 


I find it hard to use an optimal challenge. It seems I have large gaps between learners. If I challenge the uppre learners the lower learners loose heart fast. If I challenge the lowe learners the upper learners just go through the motions and give me the look of ,"here we go again."


The second thing I have learned is how important self governance is to motivation. I am so used to doing everything for the students that it is a relief to know that it is ok to have them organize the content of the class and decide what is important for them to learn.


Be supportive and positive responses, explanation on a clear way, and  allow an adult student to exspess their concerns about the course their taking. 

Student security must be enhanced by the instructor and is essential to enhancing the student perception of their ability to learn the course material. Creating a non-threatening environment for student is first and formost. Provding a good overivew of what will be covered daily is next followed by being well prepared to instruct and providing feedback is key. 


B epatient and understanding to stundet population

Adult studens feel mmore engaged when we share our experiences and outcomes.

I feel that I need more of my students' feedback on my teaching, thus motivating them more.

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