To Do List
I make informal to do lists and make a habit of checking off each item that is completed as soon as I complete the tasks. This makes it seems like I am actually accomplishing things.
I absolutely love doing to do list. To do list is what helps me to keep focused throughout the day with my many obligations throughout the day. One thing that I have learned specifically is to put what things that need to be completed with in the next 24 to 48 hours first and then what needs to be completed within the week. I have also learned not be so hard on myself when I do not complete everything on my to do list in that day. I just start where I left over on the next day. I love the feeling of having everything completed by the end of the week.
A practice that I use is organizing according to 1. High priority/high urgency, 2. High priority/low urgency, 3. Low priority/high urgency and low priority/low urgency
Well, Most of the time "To-do list are anxiety provoking for me". I often try very small list to decrease my anxiety level. For example, I may only put 3 things on a list for that day even when H know I really have to do 10 things but realistically I know I won't get all ten things done that day. That usually works for me.
I try to make sure that I am responding to priorities as early as possible to manage the amount of urgencies that can arise. When you properly manage priorities, you ultimately control your time because urgencies (those things you should have taken care of) are eliminated.
I do this too!! But I do not think I prioritize them correctly. For me if it makes my list it is important, but I tend to do the easier/smaller tasks 1st.
I create formal and informal list. I actually create list that are based on months and quarters as well as weeks and days. My professional development to do list is a annual list which I update monthly. The main reason why I use these lists is to assist me in remembering the many tasks I have to complete.
I have been using a to do list forever. I even use it to organize my job, my teaching, my business, and my personal life. I update it every Sunday so that I can start the week off with a fresh outlook of what needs to be done. Crossing things off makes me feel great.
Those are interesting time intervals used to divide your list up Reginald. But if months and quarters work best, go with that.
I feel the same way...that crossing things off of my to do list makes me feel a sense of accomplishment. I use it for work; family activities; personal life; bills; etc. My only problem is that I need to focus on prioritizing my list!
Rebekah Garrett
By the way, I did find the part about prioritizing my to do list to be helpful. I tend to write down everything that needs to be done. Then, I make subsets of things, i.e. "work," etc. But, now I know how to prioritize things so that the main things get accomplished first.
Rebekah Garrett
I would be totally lost without a to do list. I have been using a to do list since college. I love marking off each task as I complete it. However, if I am not able to mark off a task at the end of the day, sometimes my anxiety level increases. I try not to rely to heavily on my to do list, but I don't think that I could live without one!
I, too found the part about prioritizing the to do list very helpful. I make a to-do list, but have never thought about breaking it down by priority. Beginning Monday morning, that will be my new plan!
Jamie Boyd
Now that I am teaching for more than one school, my to-do list format had to change. Previously I was using a tablet of paper, inside a binder I have dedicated to teaching. Each day of the week I had my tasks hand-written in somewhat of a logical sequence. I didn’t really prioritize, I just knew they all needed to be done THAT DAY.
Once I had to start listing responsibilities for a 2nd school, as well as life responsibilities I found I was quickly becoming disorganized. Since I am an advocate of Outlook I just decided to keep a draft of my To Do list stored there. I then email it to myself. I know, it sounds funny but it works for me (for now).
What I like about my typed To Do list is that I can simply delete a task when it is complete, and I can shuffle tasks around in order of importance. I can even BOLD the really important items. So, this is what I am using for now. Maybe in this course I will learn some new techniques!