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I know some people loves to procrastinates. I am so glad I am not one of them. Especially when I am in class. Students can sense if you are prepared or not. The day before I usually will look at the next day's schedule so I will have all the materials I will need for the class next day.

I like using gadgets or sample tools to make my class interesting so I make it a point I have everything ready the day before.

Also, if there will be a quiz or test the next day, it is good to know so I am able to remind the students to study for the test the next day.

The same thing if there is a homework due the next day, I am able to remind them what is expected from them the next day.

I for one know first hand what procrastination is. For some reason, I feel some things need to be done at that moment which is urgency. Where as other things can be put on the back burner for a later date. However, I do understand the importance of getting things done at the time that I need. I have grown accustomed to getting things done in a timely manner now.

I agree giving the students as much time to prepare for tests is very helpful for there success.

I myself am a procrastinator. I always put things off to the last minute. I do however always get the tasks done, but this causes undo stress. I know I don't injoy the spare time as much putting off a task, because in the back of my mind I'm worried about getting it done. I am going to try the "to do list" to help with my procrastination at work and at home.

Sounds like a great plan Richard. You can start by creating a list for just work or home and then expand it as you get more comfortable. You don't have to take on everything at once.

Procrastination is the thief of time

I do agree.. I had this problem for years and then I learned to manage my time. It always seemed that it would sneak up on me and then I didnt have enough time to do my work. Thank God I got that under controll.

I do not procrastinate because its hard to get back to the thing you have set aside when it should have been completed.

I also have been having trouble with the procrastination. I simply have not been motivated. I am hoping going through this lesson I will overcome this slump I am in.

I do make lists but never thought to break them down to smaller tasks. I am going to try this and hope it helps to get my tasks done

I to find that people who procrastinate have a problem with being able to deliver their lesson .

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