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As I reflect on my time management in the workplace, I believe that I do a very good job with task prioritization. I always know what has the greatest priority although at times I will complete a couple of the less important that take less time. In the lesson, the author mentioned that sometimes just crossing off items on the to-do list gives a sense of accomplishment. I find that it also gives me more energy to tackle the major project that has first priority.

In the workplace I do not think that I will be changing anything about how I prioritize. I will, however, make changes in how I prioritize at home. I tend to operate at home in an urgency mindset. Whatever is most urgent gets my attention!

Dolores Kiesler

Yes, task prioritization is really the key Meron. Helps us stay more productive and keeps people we deliver to happy. Also makes things less overwhelming when we know what to focus on.

Many instructors love to work under pressure Ihssan. For some, it makes them more productive and they really need the pressure to reach their goals.

I am in the process of learning more task prioritization skills. I tend to take alot on at once. I am trying to learn better whick task are more important than others. As a mother of two teenage girls and career, I really found the course helpful.

I already use to-do lists and prioritization in the workplace and was affirmed that most of the information given is what I already do. What I realized, however, is that I do not use a to-do list with the tasks I have to complete at home. I think at home I work much more on the principle of urgency rather than prioritzing the tasks. I am planning on making to-do lists for my life outside of work and prioritizing these items also. I also need to make sure that I include leisure and relaxation on that list!

Dolores Kiesler

I agree. Lists are too tedious I like my calendar it keeps me organized.

I. Alkadi

I like to agree with you definitely. I think you have a very good point. Well taken I am just a perfectionist and like to get things done on time.

I. Alkadi

I have no problem with procrastination as long as you get the job done. I do not mean to criticize anyone

I am not a person who makes lists, but I think it is good to have some sort of system, a calendar works well for me. Staying optimistic, as you point out in your post, is important for achieving both short and long term goals.


I like to get tasks out of the way; however, I how a good sense of prioritizing, so I sometimes procrastinate. A little procrastination is healthy.

I think I am a procrastinator. But, not to the point that it gets me in trouble. I know my limit and will take care of my tasks without stressing over it. I do realize that this could potentially be a problem if there was an issue that came up and my time was limited due to my procrastination. Maybe this is something I can work on.

I find that I am most energetic in the mornings. That is when I will deal with the more difficult tasks. I like to get them out of the way, it makes life so much easier for me.

I think tasks have to be prioritized. If you allocate order of which projects/tasks have to go first you will eventually prevail. Balance your task completion based on the rigor of your hard work and time that you have. I love to work under pressure and I prioritize tasks based on time and instant needs.

honestly, probably not. i've had time management courses before and would follow them briefly, like a new year's resolution but it would fall in the wayside.

It is very important that Tasks are prioritized. It felt good to learn this information and know that there are things one can do in order to improve thier task accomplishments. Sometimes, things can get overwhelming to do so many things at the same time. But this way, at least things could be accomplished relatively easier without loosing sight of timing.

I usually like to deal with the harder tasks first. This lessens my stress levels. I find that if I break the task down into smaller bits, I can accomplish it faster. I've also learned to ask for help if at all possible.

I always prioritize when dealing with responsibilities since I have so many. Some times it's as simple as: it's Mondays, so I must.... This module did not change anything for me in that respect since I live my life by prioritization.

Yes, being flexible is the key Alan. Also, making sure we buffer our schedules to account for unexpected tasks can help too.

This is so true Jennifer. While doing so can make you seem very responsive, it's so distracting and can stand in the way of completing other tasks. Check your email in large batches instead.

I agree with that! I make "to do" lists quite often but completing them in the time frame that I allow myself sometimes gets off. Whenever I have laid aside some time to complete a task, something usually comes up and interrupts me.

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