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Task Prioritization

I usually try to make a daily task list, as well as a weekly task list. I find this to be a helpful tool so that I am able to do a planner for the week so I know what I need to do by the end of the week.

At the end of the week (Friday @ 5:00Pm) those task that were not completed will be my "homework" over the weekend. This gives me the incentive to complete my daily and weekly task list, or my weekend could be consumed by doing things that I should have been able to complete during the week. The kids are in the pool while you are doing your "homework".
This really works well for me.

I too make a daily "to do" list. My problem is I always put way too much on it, then feel stressed by all I didn't have time to get to. Tracy

I have always made a to do list. With so much going on and trying to keep up with everyones schedules including completeing work tasks it helps me make sure that everything is done punctually

A "to do" list is great if it is consistantaly kept up. I feel what works for me is a mental "to do" list since a written one is just another task that need to get accomplished. So far the mental list works well for me. I do need to write out a "to do" list when I feel overwhelmed with tasks such as preparing for a new class or multiple obligations such as work and home life pile up.

Tina, Wow, all I can say is that it sounds like you are really on top of things. Excellent work! Many instructors simply do not have the time to keep so up to date on their to do lists. Those who find it necessary to continuously update their lists are often the ones who have several new tasks coming in all at once. I imagine you are one of these people. You might try using an electronic list if you do not do so already. These make updates easy and give you maximal time for task completion.

Dr. Melissa Read

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