I look at what is the list find hardest element first review it then tackle it
Excellent. Sounds like you are in a great position Jose. Many instructors struggle with something you find easy.
I find it relatively easy to prioritize and accomplish the task that I have labeled as "high priority", what I find difficult at times are the other tasks that are lower in priority.
From this module I have aquired an insite to my largest problem,whic is putting off my paper work until the very last moment
Sounds like an important point of focus Lee. Go ahead and give it a try.
I tend to be organized on a daily basis because of so much work that piles up. I tend to accomplish these tasks right away because of the volume of communication that goes on in the semester. Based on the topic task prioritization I would change in accomplishing communication more effectively is an important task for me.
My perspective is that immediate needs should be handled first. I then try to see what will take the longest and start on that project with breaks to tackle smaller immediate projects or tasks as they show up.
Usually there is more of a feeling of accomplishment if you can get the more difficult items out of the way first. This will remove some of the stress that is there due to the difficulty of some tasks. When making my "to do lists" I follow the rule of which is due first or is in most need. I have already been following these rules so as far as changes I don't think there will be much of a need to change. I will of course adjust accordingly.
Sounds like you have the right approach Arlene. Great work! It's nice to break large tasks into smaller ones so they are more manageable. It's also a wonderful thing to prioritize. Helps you stay focused on what's important and keeps you from getting overwhelmed.
Great philosophy Stephen and thanks for sharing. However, some believe in the age old airline saying 'You've got to put the oxygen mask on yourself before you help anyone else.' While making your students a priority is key, it's also essential to take care of you and your needs.
I try to prioritze and if I cannot complete them I at least break them down into mangeable chunks and try to get them started. By doing this I can have it on my to do lit with an actual goal I can be working on mentally. When I do have answers to the task I can quickly get the task done instead of try to cram it all in one seesion.
Even when my to do list is long, I can sleep better when I prioritze and can check off at least some of the list.
Most instructors eat healthy and exercise regularly still experience stress. Possible viewpoints toward ergonomic setup for instructors using a computer, desk, chair, etc. are crucial toward managing stress. Some helpful tips for instructors sitting in front of a computer are for the:
-chair should be adjustable height with lumbar support for lower back and seat back angle 90°
-90° knee angle to the floor as feet should be on the floor in other cases a foot rest for shorter people
-wrists should be straight directed toward the computer keyboard on desk
-viewing angle distance 18-24 inches toward computer screen
These are vital ergonomic components that need to be addressed where instructors avoid worrying about managing their stress. If instructors using a computer experience vision eyes floaters they are caused by long periods of time on the computer. Instructors should use a computer for no more than 20 to 30 minutes and then look out a window for about five minutes and stare at an object. A helpful tip to reduce vision eye floaters can be also to place two lamps on both ends of a desk. Proper light when using a computer is essential including an old computer screen versus flat computer screen makes a big difference too. Turn up the lighting on the computer screen. If instructors avoid coffee and weightlifting that also contributes to vision eyes floaters. I have done some investigation on these issues.
I tend to tackle student needs in the classroom first, followed by student work/exams. I then make sure that administrative/school paperwork is done (appraisals, reviews, etc...)
I find that my basic philosophy is students first, the process second and my own personal needs last.
That's a great step in the right direction Hershel. And no need to complete lists right away. It's ok to prioritize and chip away at the most important things first.
Sounds like a great approach and I probably wouldn't change it either Mike!
I like to write a list a finish it right away. I will try to start taking my large project and turn them into smaller projects.
I tend to tackle the toughest projects first to get them done and over with. I don't think this module will change that.