Dental office time vs. classroom time
This course has been helpful to me because as a practicing hygienist, my time was largely controlled by the office scheduler. There were times during the day which I used for ongoing tasks, i.e. stocking my supplies and data entry. As an instructor, I'm in control of my schedule and must streamline my activities to use my time to its best.
Does anyone have any "tricks of the trade" to share with me?
This is often a transition for those of us used to running on a schedule developed by someone else. I find it useful to develop my own schedule - with afternoon devoted to prep, morning to tutoring - etc so everything gets done and is scheduled.
I was an RDA for many years and am now an Instructor, so I can sympathize with you. I have found that a daily schedule whether it is made by yourself or someone else is like a budget...always looks better on paper.
My mornings I am in class with my prep/tutoring time in the afternoon. N matter how well you plan you can never pencil in enough time, you never REALLY know how long a task will take you. There are interruptions, IT issues...the list goes on.
Good Luck, I'll check back...I can use some pointers myself.
Lisa, It's great to take charge of your time this way. No one knows your task demands quite like you do, so coming up with your own schedule can be empowering.
Dr. Melissa Read