I've always created my own multiple choice and fill in exams in the past in paper form and it's been very successful. I'm definitely going to look into the online websites that were mentioned in the module that will have the students take the exams electronically.
I really enjoyed the easytestmaker.com and it was extreamy user friendly. The online grading system is also very easy and to organize and I have found that students appriciatethat fact that they can view thier grades at any time.
I currently use a combination of electronic and paper for exams and homework. I find that as an instructor it allows me more time to focus on the actual teaching of the material.
Richele, Tools like engrade can be a big time saver. I always encourage instructors to ask around their college to learn more about tools that are already available to them. Tools from textbook providers are another great resource.
Dr. Melissa Read
I have made the quizzes and exams multiple choice. The students turn in all of the homework from the previous week on Mondays. I did it this way so that I do not spend a lot of time grading assignments.
I have been teaching for 10 years. It's amazing how many "tricks of the trade" I have picked up over time. This module has supported the format that I developed for exams and homework assignments, I appreciate that.
Selecting multiple choice questions usually works faster and easiest for grading, but short-answer questions challenges the students' level of understanding. I will develop an answer key with highlighted key words for easy grading.
Although I don't give a lot of essay exams, I really like the idea of underlining or highlighting the important concepts. It would only take each student a couple minutes to complete and save me time reading and grading their work.
Timothy, Excellent to hear. Sounds like you've spent a few years refining your methods. Sometimes all we need is validation of our direction to keep moving toward productive outcomes. If it's not broken, no need to fix!
Dr. Melissa Read
I have incorporated many of the ideas already listed, such as scantrons, short-answer questions, multiple choice questions, etc. However, I will now start using test maker websites to reduce the amount of time it takes me to create new exams.
I am very fortunate that at my school we have a program that we use for all the cosmetology students. It includes ways/methods/ideas for instructors to make tests, quizzes, and homework, using both online methods and textbook methods. It allows the students to be engaged in the learning process and all of the instructors a variety of ways to introduce material.
Saving time is very important. I will explore any method(s) to help save time and efficiently help in the grading process will be beneficial in my future teaching format in giving exams and assignments.
Michelle, That sounds like a great approach. I'm curious to hear your thoughts on how this has impacted the rigor of your exams. Do you find that you need to throw in a few essay questions to more deeply test knowledge?
Dr. Melissa Read
I am fortunate that the school I work at has all of the exams in the course standardized and all of the tests scanned and electronically entered into an electronic grade book. This allows me to easily evaluate student progress and to give progress reports by hitting a button on the keyboard. In addition, we do not give any outside the class assignments. All projects are completed in school during class time. This affords me the most preparation time and great time management.
I do not have the privilege of formatting my exams.
They are standardized by the school. However, I have some leeway in homework assignments, and I try to make them either objective, or easy to grade in class. The students seem to learn more if they are included in the grading process(i.e. exchanging papers and grading in class). I plan to do more of that in the future.
I won't change much, I currently use student graded, scantron type, and multiformat exams. I will however look to tune those up to enhance the environment of learning.
Paul, It sounds like you have a great system in place. It might make sense for you to just go with it if that's the case. Every once in a while, it's important to evaluate even the best system. Based on what you describe, you probably won't have to fine tune that much.
Dr. Melissa Read
I will be making more multiple choice exams. Some questions will still be short answer/essay type, but I can reduce the number of those. I also think hands-on exams are great because I make print a grading rubric for each student and use them as the students perform the manipulation. It's very easy for me to calculate their grade using this method.
We are increasingly striving to have quick and accurate ways of grading papers. We (last year) had add a scantron to assist with grading Test and Quizes and it has helped with quicker process of grading tests.
I feel that intergrating computers and other technology to help with getting things done quicker and more accurately.
I use a combination of Engrade online quizzes, which are multiple choice, and essay exams. Engrade gives me a lot of time (once they are created) but the essay exams lets me look at the critical thinking abilities of the students.