Some of the new lab sheets we have developed make it much easier to keep up with grading by providing designated spaces for conclusions based on the students tests. The most relevent measurements are in the right-hand column and the conclusions are at the bottom of each page. Rather than have to read the entire labs sheets with dozens of meter measurements, we simply scan the sheet for completeness and look at the two measurements on the lower right-hand column. Then be certain that the studnets's conclusion or diagnoses matches these last two measurements. This is especially helpfull for large lab tasks.
Yes, I've been using them for the past few quarters because I teach the same classes each quarter.
I teach AutoCAD. For some of my classes I may draw out a "key" so I know exactly what needs to be on the page, the location of objects, etc. The drawings usually take me about 10 minutes to do. So spending 10 minutes in the beginning saves a lot of time when I get ready to grade.
I have heard of a new technology that is a hand-held remote control. They are handed out to the students at the start of class & the instructor has a wireless monitor. These units track attendance, lates, quizes, etc.