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Office spaced that is shared

I find that when working with an office mate it helps to be well organized, therefore we both can find our material. Color coding binders, folders and office supplies work well also.

I agree with Laurel on color coding or some how identifying your personal office supplies. It helps to keep everyone well organized and reduces any confusion or misunderstandings.

Yes, color coding is a great system and so easy to implement and understand Patricia.

I think the module is correct, define space and be respectful of their space. I think everyone is different in organization skills. Do you agree??

I do agree. I share an office with 4 instructors. Each of us has a clearly defined space, personal filing cabinets, and a location where we can put items to share amongst each other.

It's really nice to define your space in a shared office Kelli. Helps you stay organized and makes you feel less on top of each other.

I wish we had a place of our own. We work rotating schedules based on student load and have to share everything with no office space or desk. The only personal space we have is a one foot square locker which barely even holds a binder, and we had to ask to get this. If we store our course material in the instructor's cabinet in each classroom we use, it usually goes missing and we end up having to recreate our guide books along with lost information gathered over time. I had to start scanning all my documents into seperate class files on my personal computer space. This makes is easier to locate if missing. Even the material locked away in a cabinet in a hidden room with very limited access still gets abused. I cannot begin to express how hard this is to work with on a daily basis.

That sounds really challenging Eric. What a tough situation. Some instructors turn their cars into 'file cabinets' and 'office spaces' when their administrations can't provide space.

Yes, I agree and this is important. In sharing an office, being consistently organized, neat and respectful is a part of the harmony of the workplace.

Office space that is shared works well when every one is aware of what is expected basicly a place for every thing and it is put in that place color coding also helps

I do believe that good communication is important to sharing offices, rooms, and just about anything is very important

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