Does anyone have time-saving tips on grading workbook assignments. I assign my students to complete their workbooks for the current chapter. The workbooks are due at the end of the week (which for us is a Saturday). I'll either walk by each students' desk and check their work or have them turn the entire book in.
When grading the workbooks I grade them according to how much of the assignment is complete vs the correct answer. (Note: I do ask if anyone has questions about the assignment before moving along.)
Many of the chapters are lengthy, some have 22 or more pages that require fill-in the blank, short answers, etc.
Can anyone think of a quick(er) way to grade these? Thankfully, we do use an online gradebook. However, I still have to go through each book as well as all the pages to tally the actual grades.
I know that alot of instructors grade the workbooks at the end of the term. I found this takes to much time. My students turn in a chapter at a time and I make them clear their desk and get out a colored pen and then we go over them together. They turn them in when we are done anything that is blank or written in a diffrent color is marked wrongv.I start the lecture for that chapter after we are done.
I usually have the students complete the workbook up to critical thinking. If all previous sections are complete, I give the student 100% for completion. Partial completion is only 50% and no submission is a 0.
Theresa, I might recommend spot checking a portion of the workbooks to assess each students' general knowledge. You could also consider having students grade each others work. As long as you can keep names anonymous, this method can work well.
Dr. Melissa Read