I already use publishers testmaking software and easytestmaker.com. However, I'll be trying quiz star to evaluate the advantage of it grading the tests for me.
Grading all exams or homework in a timely manner.
I think is important that the instructor and students are on the same page concerning progress of the course.
I am a Cosmetology instructor and we do not have our students to do many written papers but I will utilize the informaton given.
Jeanine, I am glad to hear you'll give the new product a try. Sometimes we have to sample a variety of products to truly understand what will work best for our needs. It's nice to know you are already leaning on your publishers and existing test making software. I'm sure that already produces a time savings.
Dr. Melissa Read
Most of our exams are multiple choice/matching and completed on scantron. This is not only for ease of grading, but also because students will be taking a board exam when done with the program that will be all multiple choice. Our format gives them the necessary practice to complete these types of exams. From the material, it may be a good idea to incorporate some essays the the assessments. I think that this will help us to gauge how well the students understand the information.
Most of my quizzes and exams were in the short answer format. But now, after this course, I'll definitely be re-writing my quizzes/tests to include more True & False, fill in the blank, and multiple choice questions!!
Multiple choice and True or False exams using the SCANTRON save a lot of time. Different versions of exam may aslo be printed and answer keys for each version prepared also saves a lot of time.
Entering test results in the computer also calculates the students' grades immediately.
I absolutely enjoyed this module. The content about "streamlining the grading process" was great.
The merits were quite obvious for traditional classrooms. I found myself trying to make some of the advice work for online courses. I instruct an online Marketing course that requires essays from students each week. I have to review student essays that range from 2 to 10 pages per student per week. Even if essays are required to demonstrate understanding, the underlining/highlighting of the pertinent content will make grading more streamlined for me.
I copied the entire section about "streamlining the grading process" to share with the department head for my online course. There must be a way to incorporate some of those streamlining methods into the homework that students submit.
Separately, I believe that these streamlining methods will force students to zero-in on the pertinent content (instead of getting "distracting" with the composition of an essay). This module provided me with some ideas that I will share.
In dealing with "perfectionist" students who argue every point lost, I believe I will institute a policy of no grade change unless it is a 2% or more difference in the grade.
I believe creating a rubric or grading template will help in the grading process. This will speed up the process especially when you have multiple students or even classes to grade.
From what I've I learned I believe that having a plan of attack on the grading before the exam or homework is assigned is the best way of completing the grading in an efficient manner. Knowing and having a plan for what needs to be done before you have to actually do it will always make it smoother to complete.
Currently I create my tests and exams in Microsoft Word. I will plan to utilize Quizstar to help streamline creating the tests as well as correcting.
I also will utilize the suggestion of passing homework assignments out and have the students correct their fellow student's papers. I think this is a great timesaving tool and will also provide reinforcement for learning.
I have actually gone and made my own scantron grade sheet for my students to help streamline my grading process, I can grade about 30 papers in less than 30 minutes. Where as with grading from each individual page of a test that is 10 pages long took me roughly 5 minutes each.
I teach nursing. It lends itself wel to multiple choice questions since that constitutes their licensing state board exam. I use three exams a midterm, final,and various homework assignments. I have access to a scantron and will utilize this time saving tool more. Thank-you
Gail, Sounds like you have a great system in place! Yes, some professions lead themselves well to multiple choice questions. For many, nursing is one of them. Culinary seems to be just the opposite and requires much more complex grading.
Dr. Melissa Read
I will finish creating my answer sheets and master copies for the quizzez and exams. This way there is only 1 paper that needs to be looked at and it is much more direct. It will seriously cut down on grading time as well.
The organization I work for determines all test and homework assignments.
This is one stress I dont have,our institution determines the tests,and homework,even how the lab work is graded.If I could lower the 600 papers in three weeks,life would be perfect.
Robbi, Excellent direction. Yes, when you invest a little time up front to streamline your materials, you will find that you save quite a bit of time in the end. The initial investment can be tough to fit into your schedule, but well worth it.
Dr. Melissa Read
instead of giving the students an essay question, i may change the format and make it fill in the blank or complete the statement.