Making More Time For You
I recently changed my quiz and exam format to an online testing system. While it was a bit tedious and time consuming to create the quizzes and exams, it has saved me a lot of time that I would have had to spend manually grading the quizzes and exams. I also have it set up to where the computer grades the quizzes and exams, the student can see their grade immediately, as well as review questions that were answered incorrectly, and the grade is automatically sent to the grade book. This has saved me time not only in grading the quizzes and exams, but also in entering the grades into the grade book and reviewing the quizzes/test with the students.
My school does this as well and it has saved us so much time.
My school works with a total electronic curriculum and I can't believe how much time I used to spend grading!! It's amazing how much more time I have to complete other tasks on my "to do list".
Yes, online grading and testing has saved a lot of time and helps to keep everything organized and easily accessible.
My school has online grading. I really don't know what we did without it. Not only does it save time.but it also allows puts faculty in touch with technology as it continues to advance. On;ine grading is the best.