Stress is a big part of our every day lives. Being an instructor for many years, I feel my stress level is much less tha when I started this journey. 1. I am confident and well prepared in whatever I teach. 2. I put the objectives up every day for each class. 3. I lecture, review the topic and then I do reinforcement exercises. I also give the students their review sheets one week before an exam. They respond well to this and 80% of my class score 90 or above. Organization and keeping on top of your daily work is also key.
When I get really stressed, I book an appoinment with our massage students for a full body massage!!!
I agree that stress is a part of everyday life. I think some people just deal with stress a bit different. Stress can become unbearable at time, but one should know how much stress they can handly and seek some kind of help.
For courses of which I have taught in the past, my stress level has been very little but for the first time I am teaching a new class and my textbook just is brand new. I also just became a new mom and that is also stressful. After taking this course I am developing new strategies for handling my new stress, i.e. talking to my mom, exercising, and breathing exercises.
The spa is alao a great de- stresser!
I especially agree with the point that organization and time management is a big key to avoiding stress. This feeds into being prepared for your courses. Experience also helps a lot, but even new instructors can avoid a lot of unnecessary stress by being well-organized. Also keeping in good physical shape is very helpful. I've been fortunate to be teaching in an environment where many of my students stay very physically fit. I survey them at the outset to learn a little about them and ask about hobbies. I've been amazed how many of them are very physically active in some very impressive ways. This serves as a source of inspiration to me to keep up my physical fitness. It makes a big difference to me in teaching stamina and stress management.
I agree that stress is apart of evrey fife. and i think some people jast have to deal with people different way
I have stress when teaching but not like it was when I first started. I was very new and had so many questions about what I was teaching. Today it is much easier I have the ability to cope with the day to day changes and I am able to work with the course and people on a lower stress level.