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Causes of Stress at the Workplace

There is a lot of things that could create stress or even add more stress to a stressful situation.

Traffic, powerpoint machine not working, copies of test not ready, intranet slow in opening, students not calling (no show - no call), computers in the classroom not all working, and on and on.

How do I reduce or eliminate some of the stresses in my daily life? First, I try to wake up 2 hours before I go to work so that gives me an extra 30 minutes to settle down when I get to work.

Regarding copies not being available the day of the exam, I make sure I check the day before that I have enough copies for my class.

Student no show - no call problem, I tried to eliminate that by writing on the board my extension number and making sure they keep it in their cell phones. I tell them as they would be required by their work to call before the start of the day, I am requiring them to call me also to infomr me if they will be late or absent. This way, I eliminate the job of calling hte student if they do not call.

With regards powerpoint machines, I e-mail lectures to the students weeks in advance so if the powerpoint does not work, I can still lecture.

Marlo, these are all great ideas! The one I like the best is the getting up plenty early to get to work early. This has been a struggle for me in the past, but over the past year I've been really working on it and have stopped being late to work/class. This relieves SO much stress! No worrying about rushing during my commute, and never flustered at the start of class.

I appreciate you posting this discussion topic and sharing your ideas for stress management.

I think these are all great ideas. What they have in common is that they are all related to being properly prepared. For me, that is the big key. Giving myself enough time and then using that time to prepare is important to how I structure my life. If I feel prepared, I have less stress. That preparation also translates into better execution in class -- which give satisfaction -- another stress reducer. Preparation is paramount!

Things that cause me unnecessary stress:
* copiers are either not working, out of staples, or ink cartridges.

* Difficult people - Office bullies. Every place has one!

* Students who do not care!

* When retention becomes the instructor's problem

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