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the danger comes when people don't realize how much stress they accumulated.
the Buddha was right, you have to create a balance betwen two worlds, the one within and the one around us.
understanding ourselves and the environment we live in, allow us to take account of our own actions and readress those if needed.stress.. is just a consequence of those actions.
if we can control our life,then we should be abble to control stress.
the question is: can we really control our life, or does life control us?..

I try to control my life with checklists and "me-time". I find that meditation and disconnecting from technology even a few hours a week does wonders for my stress and concentration levels.

I find that saying NO more often to things that I am not in the mood for works for me.We do not take enough time for ourselves. There is a time when you do not have to live up to others expectations.

I've found that running is a great stress reducing physical exercise and prayer (or meditation) is a great stress reducing mental exercise. The time to run 3 times a week is more affordable than you think. Prayers of thanks for even small things and forgiveness for all kinds of things take no time at all and equally eases the mind.

We can control life to a certain extent but after that, it controls us. I HAVE to take me time, or I freak out. Me time is essential to staying sane in times of high stress.

I dont think we can control everything but if you minimize needless stress then when life hands us a difficult situation we are better equipped to handle it.

I completely agree. I let so many things go now then I used to. Things you can control and things you can't. I have learned to pick my fights.

Occasionally, it is benificial to believe oneself to be an immoveable object. Calm and centered, the hectic circumstances and demands mean little as they are "dust in the wind."

To avoid being blown away, it is important to remember "no means no" and "yes means yes." Once careful thought and consideration is given to a matter and a decision is made, the outcome should be followed, regardless of the consequences that may have to be delt with later.

"No means no and yes means yes" provides some comforting control over the immediate enviroment and can provide a source of strength, not just to the person, but to those around her as well.

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