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Dealing with stress.

A lot of times we have a tendency to allow our own personal problems from home affect us at work adding and stress from other factors,I believe that if you would just take on only one problem at a time the stress level will drop and allow you to focused and have a better out come when dealing with stress in life.

I think that the best way to deal with a lot of problems in your life is to deal with only one of them at a time,to keep everything under control and not get out of hand. that is where the stress become overwhelming to some persons.

Marcos, Yes, sometimes it is better to focus on just one thing at a time. Multitasking often sounds great but doesn't work well for everyone in practice.

Dr. Melissa Read

I agree with these statements. We all wish we could "wave a magic wand" and have all the stressors be gone. Or we would like it if dealing with just one of our stress sources would dissolve the others, but neither of those is reality. One will only get frustrated if one tries taking on all or multiple problems at once. Divide and conquer when it comes to our stress sources.And we shouldn't allow ourselves to throw in the towel if "new stressors" get added to our list as we our trying to reduce them.

It helps me to focus on one thing at a time as well as finding my "happy place" when it gets crazy.

John, So true on all these points. It would be great if stress could just disappear, no work necessary. Doesn't always happen. Sometimes though, when we add a slice of lemon to something, it makes that thing taste even sweeter. So while stress is a challenge, it provides a nice contrast effect for what's good about our lives. Just one way of looking at it, though still hard to deal with I know.

Dr. Melissa Read

Stress can be handled in differant ways,walking or running is a great stress releaver.

I agree. Stress is just simply a part of life. It allows us to measure our calm more peaceful moments along with stress. I believe that trying to take on one stressor at a time will help a great deal. It gets tricking when life seems to throw a lot of stress at us all at once. When this happens, I take a step back, breath (meditate,pray) and put one foot in front of the other. I do my best at tackling one at a time. If the stress coming my way can be changed or lessened, I will do that first. If it is out of my control, I let those marinate a little while. Thats what I do anyway.

Dealing with one stressor at a time, and eliminating or reducing it can be a big help. Also, making time for yourself, whether an hour or a day to do something you enjoy(such as a hobby), can put you in a better frame of mind to deal with stress.

Craig, I like the one-at-a-time approach too. Multitasking doesn't always work. At the end of the day, we really only can focus on one thing or another.

Dr. Melissa Read

Jim, I like the idea of dealing with our stress challenges one at a time, and place them on a priority task list. Yet at times we can be overwhelmed by the load to where I just have to say enough. Somethings we are not going to have control over some things and we have to learn to let go.

i believe fellow work partners can stress you out so i try not to get on the same path as them and try to remmember that no matter what it could be worst

Charles, So true. Fellow faculty and administrators deal with all the stressors we do and often are quite stressed out themselves. Interaction with them can be a negative experience for us when we are dealing with our own stress.

Dr. Melissa Read

I deal with all types of stress everyday and sometimes you cannot get around it so I find different ways to deal with them such as exercise, listening to music, laughing at funny movies, using stress management skills, time management skills, trying to stay away from toxic people, these are some of the things that help de-stress me and i am always open to new ideas to try.

Focusing on one thing at a time is not easy sometimes when you have a million things going on, but that is why the to-do list is so important because I keep moving things to a new list everyday and it really cuts down on my stress. Stress I feel comes a lot when there are deadlines and you start to feel overwhelmed all of the sudden but the daily list are really nice because it gives you some relief in the fact that you are accomplishing a lot more than it seems.

Excercise is a great way to deal with stress. There are many different outlets people choose to deal with stress. Being prepared, keeping "Home" and "Work" seperate helps keep stress down. I agree with the "tackle one task at a time" approach as well.

Dealing with just one problem at a time is a great idea, I have tried to put my sources of stress in a box and deal with them one at a time. I try to put a source of stress on "hold" while I deal with something else more urgent or stressful.

This is great. We have to have a way of reducing our everyday stress. I have hobbies that i do to releive my stress. You can do this with other people or by yourself.

Roosevelt, Yes, it's great to have a mix of hobbies - some that can be enjoyed alone and others with friends. This way, we always have an outlet no matter who is around.

Dr. Melissa Read

Am I the only one who's actually going to say "alcohol: great stress reliever"? 'cuz I'll say it:

Alcohol: great stress reliever.

Now, I'm not talking about going and getting falling down drunk or anything, but the theraputic value of a glass of wine is well known, not to mention the beneficial effects it has on your heart (at least according to this year's batch of studies).

Disclaimer: do not abuse alcohol. This forum discussion participant takes no responsibility for any negative consequence any other forum discussion participant may have due to the consumption of alcohol. Alcohol may be habit-forming. Ask your doctor if alcohol is right for you. Keep alcohol out of the hands of minors. Don't drink and drive. Always drink responsibly. Hi, boss.

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