Exersice before or after work
I have found that working out before or after work helps release a lot of stress
I try to each day to take my dog for a walk before work. This is very calming before work. At night when i arrive home I take my dog out side and she will run and i will chase her a couple times before going in again relaxing before bed.
Pets are known to reduce stress in our lives. Sounds like you found a routine that you and your dog both benefit from.
Sounds like a good idea. Ill try that.
I wish we had the opportunity to work out during lunch, but alas, our workplace has no showers.
That's tough Timothy. Sometimes, just some light stretching can make a difference without causing you to break a sweat.
I agree. Stretching or running after work is a great way of reducing stress.
I had given up exersicing due to time restrictions. However, my stress levels increased due to the stress factors related to work and home. Severe neck and back pains, headaches, lack of sleep.
I had to reduce the stress levels as fast as I can. I have now found the time before the classes and after classes to pay a visit to the GYM. This has done me wonders.
Anthony, Exercise is tough to fit into your schedule. But to your point, life without it can be filled with so many other challenges. A good strategy is to invest the time to exercise, even if we feel like we don't have time to spare. Otherwise, we end up doing the time later in other ways.
Dr. Melissa Read