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Eating right and vitimans

I think that many of us want to go to a drive thru and eat because it is quick when we are down to the wire on a project. I now balance it out with fruit, vitamins and water during long projects. It has really helped. I don't end up sick at the end.

That's great Dwight! Vitamins and healthy foods are a great investment in yourself. And they can really pay off in the end.

Food and its real nutritive value is so overlooked in Amarica as a leasing cause and source of disease. We eat a diet based on convenience and stimulation, instead of more for nourishment and medicinal aspects like many older cultures have and still do.

Don't for get sleep.

This is a great technique. I balance my life with exercise. I run almost every day and I practice (and teach) yoga.

I went a long time without vitamins, then, a couple months ago decide to get back on track... believe it or not, I felt a difference within a week. The vitamins were the only thing I changed during that time period. They really are important!!

You make a good point about eating right. Foods high in the B vitamins can help the body cope with stressful situations.

Interesting point about the B vitamins David. Eating healthy foods can certainly reduce stress. But I didn't know about that one.

Wow, that's great to hear Sophie! What a simple and easy solution to try.

When I first became an instructor at a career school I packed on fifty pounds easily because I began to use the fast food restaurants as an unhealthy coping mechanism. I changed jobs where the culture is more positive and now I have lost over fifty pounds by utilizing healthy coping mechanisms such as being more aware of where,what, and how much I eat along with herbs and vitamins.

Stacey, Oh gosh, that sounds really tough. It's hard when you don't have access to healthy food. I'm so glad to hear that you found a better environment for yourself. Note that if you can always bring healthy food into unhealthy environments if you find yourself there in the future.

Dr. Melissa Read

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