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Coping with Stress

Work through your stress by sharing it with family members or very close friends. It may help to get thing of your chest.
Exercise is a healthy was to deal with stress.
Yoga class with breathing techniques can help as well.
Eating healthy and getting plenty of rest can make you feel better overall

Joyce, These are great recommendations and all healthy approaches. Of these, i'm curious to hear about the ones that work best for you.

Dr. Melissa Read

I agree. Exercise, eating well, and plenty of rest/sleep always helps with stress.

My thinking is that in order for up to cope with stress we have to fist find what works for us individually. Just because sometime works for one person it may not work for you. But once we find out what our stress reliever is it's a process to help up to cope.

I like to exercise and use techniques that will lower my stress levels. I am truly a positive thinker so I like to talk to my husband and mother about things that stress me.

Energy management is another technique I use to eliminate stress. This includes adequate sleep, listening to music, reading a book, breathing techniques, exercise, mental time outs and journaling when I'm upset.

These are just a few things that help me out!

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