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After the lecture,I bring out models and work with the students on the models. It makes the information 3 dimensional and more informative than the photos in the textbook.

Hi Paula,
Students love visuals, and visuals add great clarity.

Patricia Scales

I feel that showing the content is relevent and will be used almost daily in practical application is huge! Adult students dont want to feel their time is wasted or filled with unnecessary information. I use alot of stories from my experiences in the field and examples of how i still use basic techniques today.

A positive attitude goes a long way! Explaining how the course content will enable them to be more profitable in the field is a huge motivator in a tech school setting also.

I try to keep an up beat attitude at all times, and convey some of the postive and fun experiences that made my job in the field so much fun and rewarding

We have guest speakers coming in to talk about different aspects of dentisry and How if affects dental Hygiene. How dental hygienist work along side specialties within the field to get the patient the best oral health care.
Elizabeth Segura RDH

I try to get students excited by showing them live examples of things they might get to do when working in the field. Since I still work in the field as my day job and teach at night, its easy to stay up on all the new cool stuff out. I teach them them the core material and work my way up to what is going on in offices today. My students get excited when I bring items to "Show and Tell" from my office.

Hi Jennifer,
I concur! We have to let the students know how meaningful the course is going to be in their career. For adult learners, courses must have significance to their career.

Patricia Scales

Hi Ron,
Students love it when the instructor is excited about the course. The instructor's excitement really does rub off to most students.

Patricia Scales

Hi Elizabeth,
Awesome! Students really do enjoy guest speakers. Guest speakers bring real life into the classroom.

Patricia Scales

To get the students excited about the course I try to explain to them in detail why they will need to know and understand the class content pertaining to their careers. I usually give a few examples of scenarios relevent to the material that I have experienced in the field. I also remind the students that all information presented in core classes are relevant to the various national board examinations.

the best way I do this is by being excited about the material myself. Each day is full of energy and my love for the courses I teach comes out in my lectures.

I am starting to get them into groups and recreate the different systems of the bodies by role playing esch organ and telling the class what they are responsible for in the body. The students seem to find it largely entertaining

I am starting to put the students into groups and have each student be an organ of the body that pertains to a certain system. Then they tell the class what they do and what they, as an organ, are responsible for. Its fun and funny to see their interpretation of some of the organs.

Hi Brandon,
Awesome! Students can tell when you love what you do! Keep the excitement alive, and it will spread to your students.

Patricia Scales

getting them stirred into their chosen field is part of motivation. Using the instructor's experiences and knowledge can definitely make the learners understand and how they can apply their knowledge in their field of expertise.

My particular course is the one that many of our students around campus look forward to (with trepidation as well as excitement). They know that the bar is raised in this class and that expectations are higher, but at the same time, they also know that the amount of experience and hands on applications taught throughout, will help them to improve their abilities and understanding of the materials presented to them. After the first week of class, the trepidation is replaced by a whole lot of "AH HA!! moments as they begin to piece together and apply previous learning and techniques.

Hi Darron,
When students get that ah ha moment they have bought into the course. They understand the course relevancy.

Patricia Scales

I love to get my students talking about their rotation schedules. Sharing stories from the field; experiences, fun new facts, insecurities, etc. seems to really bring them together and see the field a little more from outside the classroom.

Hi Harmony,
We have to get students to visualize and understand how things are and will be in the real world. Students love hearing stories as they apply to the real world.

Patricia Scales

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