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I have found that students get excited with real world examples. Things that reinforce that this course is really worth while.

Some of the methods I used to get the student excited about the course is real-life practices.
I show related videos related to the course content. I also put the students in groups to interact with each other with their backround and job experiences.

I always try to find activites that are fun and engageing so that they have something to look forward to. I like to give little teasers so that they anticipate what is to come. And on the last day of the week I always like to leave them with a cliffhanger!

In my classes, I like to go over the different activities in the class and relate each activity to something students are doing in the workplace. That link between what they do on their jobs and at school helps to motivate students to apply the learned material. Many times I make assignments that involve their workplace.

Example: Interview your supervisor about their leadership styles.

Hi Steven,
I like the idea of involving their workplace in the overall learning process. I can see how students will get axcited about this type of learning.

Patricia Scales

Being positive and full of energy helps to keep students excited. We also do lots of hands on activities as well as team building exercises since they will work in a team environment when they get out of school.

Hi Sara,
Enthusiasm starts with the instructor. Students will get excited when the instructor is excited. Excitement is contagious!

Patricia Scales

One way I like to get them excited about the course is my ice breaker. Every course I bring a roll of toilet paper to class and to tell them to "take what they need." I don't give them any other explanation until all of the students have what they need. Once they all have their toilet paper I then tell them that for every square they must tell us something about themselves that we probably would never have known. It gets them thinking, often times laughing, and gets the dicussion flowing. I find it's a good way to start off and gets the mood light to start discussing expections in the course.

Get the students to take ownership by explaining how the course is relevant to them by making them more flexible in there career – opens up more possible opportunities in there career or personal life. Once ownership is achieved the students become enthusiastic about learning the subject matter.

Hi Misty,
Great icebreaker! I do the same thing, but with peanut M&Ms

Patricia Scales

Hi Gordon,
When students feel like they have ownership in the course, the ownership really takes them to a different excitement level.

Patricia Scales

My favorite thing is to relate to my students how they can use their learning in both their careers and in their personal life. All business courses can enhance our personal financial success in many ways. I like to think that my enthusiasm and excitement is contagious! And, btw, Math and Accounting can be fun and I like to prove it to the students by doing lots of student group drills, contests and games!

You stated that your course is one that many students around campus look forward to with trepidation as well as excitement. My particular course is one that many students come to with a great amount of trepidation. The very first day I make every effort to relieve their fears and anxieties as much as possible by asking them about their concerns. Then I address each concern with simple but relevant examples and scenarios. This seems to work. What are some of the techniques and methods that you use to bring them to that "AH HA" moment?

When I try to get my studnets excited about the course I talk about my experiences in the field where I have used what they are about to learn. This has the student look into the future of when they are done with the course and they can picture themselves doing those tasks.

Hi Darcey,
Some courses are just intimidating. I use a very calm approach with my students, and I let them know on Day 1 that I here to help them succeed, and I remind them of this throughout the grading period as well. Bottom line, I tell them together we will be successful in this class. This calm and reassuring approach works. My students know that I am available to them.

Patricia Scales

Hi Melissa,
You are on point! Students love hearing applicable stories as they apply to the lesson.

Patricia Scales

I agree with Darcy. Once students hit panic mode they lose their power to think or reason clearly. It is important to maintain a calm classroom environment and for you yourself to maintain a calm exterior. I always say "We are in this together".

I agree. Positive attitide is everything in the classroom. I try to find any student who may be struggling with their attitude and engage them. If I can have them buy into the program, then hopefull their attitude will cqahnge.



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