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Hi John,
When students can relate to what/who you are talking about their level of excitement is different for the better.

Patricia Scales

Being the externship coordinator I am able to engage my students with stories of my past experiences in the field. They are so interested in hearing what it is like and any stories that you give them makes them excited.
I also will have a recent graduate come into the class that is just about ready to go out and tell about the experience they just finished having. It is a real motivator for the next group that is nervous & anxious at the same time!

Normally, I link everything I can to the field of hospitality. Giving examples from my own varied experiences as well as discussing how current concepts make it happen works well for me and keeps them engaged.

My program is Respiratory Therapy. At every opportunity, I try to link the current topic with the ongoing job performance of a Registered Respiratory Therapist at a hospital bedside. I try to be as positive as possible, even in undesirable circumstances (tragic death, terminal condition, infection precautions, unpleasant sights & odors, etc.)

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