As the Algebra instructor, attendance and apathy run rampant through my classes. Trying to show students that they really do use math every day and that problem solving skills are important are my biggest tasks. I have them work, in groups or individually if they desire, on a project that looks at the true cost of a loan or more specifically a mortgage. -they are usually surprised
I love the idea of a project dealing with a loan or mortgage. This type of learning is very practical, and students see how they can use this information.
Patricia Scales
I can show them the importance the course is for there career, servicing and educating there customer.
Hi Kelcena,
I use a PowerPoint on the very first day of class to explain to students the purpose of the course, how the course will benefit them in their career, and different types of positions/job that can be done by mastering the course.
Patricia Scales
They can use the information and they can get it online to easily do comparisons.
Within the Culinary Student classroom it is easy to show relevancy to "real world applications" as most of what we do and teach is very applicable to the industry as we all should have a solid base in technique.I often give examples of time when things go wrong if not following the "rules" of cooking.Saying ahh I'll just wing it wont work in a very busy kitchen.
I like to inform my students how the course will benefit them in the real world. Students need to understand the importance of the course to their future.
Patricia Scales
Hi Graham,
Exactly! Students should want to be prepared for the real world. Having the "I'll just wing-it attitude" is an attitude that will not get you very far. Employers expect you to be knowledgeable.
Patricia Scales
It is necessary to demonstrate the relevancy of a course to the adult learner (AL) on multiple levels. Not only must the material be made relevant to the AL course of study, it must be made relevant to both their professional and personal life. Without a connection the AL will often disregard the learning and lose interest.
Relevance may be demonstrated orally with examples or visually through an active learning experience. The instructor should find similar life experiences from the students that relate to the topic or course material. The instructor may share personal experiences, find examples in journals, blogs or industry web sites.
Hi Robb,
You are on point! Students need to and want to understand the WHY of the course. They need to know the course relevancy, and the instructor must share this information with the students on Day 1.
Patricia Scales
Discuss the application of the learning objectives to achieving a goal, such as beginning a career, or getting a job.
Hi George,
We can't forget, our students also have to know how to go about keeping the job.
Patricia Scales
I'm teaching anatomy and physiology to medical assistant, phlebotomy, and electronic health record students. I try to incorporate examples of why each career path needs to understand the A&P of our bodies. One of my student's (an electronic health records student) did not understand why she would need to know the quadrant's of the abdomen along with some other concepts. From there I gave her examples of why she should have a basic understanding of the anatomy of the body and be familiar with medical terms. She has been more involved in the class and our discussions since I showed her the relevance of the course content to her career path choice.
I am a big fan of WIIFM. When I am able to illustrate/demonstrate how a particular concept is valuable when applied to a student’s specific situation, I usually see “ah ha†moments, the student becomes empowered, and then buy in occurs.
As I work with future healthcare providers, their course content is very difficult and can feel like a never ending uphill battle. In these moments, reminding students of the necessity in striving for excellence because their ability may mean the difference between life or death for a patient. Although that may sound dramatic, it underscores the undeniable relevance of the information/knowledge they are trying to acquire.
Hi Sharon,
Everyone likes knowing what is in anything for them. When you understand how something is going to benefit you for the better your drive becomes more serious.
Patricia Scales
Discuss specific examples of how you used the lesson materials in the real world. Provide details and even opinions, using a professional and conversational tone.
One way is to relate "real world" work scenarios to the classroom with examples and situations. It gives the students practical and real examples of what they may see after graduation when they are working in the field
Hi Maria,
You have it! Let students know that the course is certainly going to benefit them in their career, and they will be expected to know the information.
Patricia Scales
I give students examples of how what we are doing relates to what I have experienced in the "work world". For example, I might mention knowing the size of your work file in Photoshop is important when sending your work to the printer. More pixels equals a higher quality print. Lower resolution is important for fast loading times. Both outputs are important to a client.
I also give students assignments that have the potential of being added to their portfolios. This makes them feel like they are actually preparing for their job.
I have found that providing my students with stats and scientific research on the course materail is relevance, it helps validate what they are learning. Sharing personal experiences and providing testimonials.