Hi Vanessa,
Great ways to show relevancy of the course. I like for my students to know how the course is going to help them in their chosen field of study.
Patricia Scales
The relevancy will usually come up when we are in the clinical setting. When I have gone over a procedure or in my case the Fetal monitoring strip and then they see it in action it seems to hit home more with them. I have tested both before they are in a clinical setting and after, and they seem to have a better understanding after they have seen it in action.
Providing a direct correlation between topics and content and real life application. Often times YouTube videos can be very helpful in doing this. Plus students like Youtube
Hi Christina,
Some courses allow students to see the course relevancy as to how the course will prepare them for their chosen field of study. Others courses we have to help the students understand how the course is going to help them in their profession.
Patricia Scales
I am also a new instructor I showed video clips and used hands on approach to some of my lectures which seemed to help students understand
There are numerous ways to show the relevancy of the course, but I think it is important to use variety when doing so. Stats and written material are factual, but they do not convey as effectively as a guest speaker in the field or an accomplished past student giving a testimonial. Different things make the course attractive to students. Therefore, different ways to show the relevancy should be used.
Hi Christina,
This generation of students love technology and of course hands on. What a great way to introduce the relevancy of the course through the use of doing and computers.
Patricia Scales
Hi Jeffery,
You have it! There is really nothing like a testimonial. Students have a different level of excitement when they hear someone who speaks about it through the use of experience.
Patricia Scales
One of the ways that I like to engage students in my course is to give demonstrations and real world examples, how is the knowledge they are going to learn be relevant to their field of study. I also use guest speakers as well.
I teach with a belief of using building blocks. As hand skills progress more tasks may be done and the revelancy is in task completion and how it relates to the job/skill/career. We discuss how this skill and task may be applied. And then we move to the next step and refine this task/skill. Students get excited as they go through the steps and see the progress towards the end result.
Our College encourages service oriented field trips so we have all the students participate in the field. New students are assigned to an older (earlier enrolled student) and participate in the job/skill required for that trip. Students are amazed at the skill of the more progressive students and cannot wait until they can learn the steps and apply the knowledge.
Hi Yonnie,
Awesome practices to have in place. Students love hearing how it is going to be in the real world through the use of instructors and guest speakers. Guest speakers are priceless, and they add a lot of flavor to the course.
Patricia Scales
Hi Carol,
What a super idea! Field trips are very helpful, and they bring book theory to real life.
Patricia Scales
I like to share stories of personal experiences with the course material out in the veterinary practice. It shows students they aren't just here to memorize material or to take a test, but that the information they learn is applicable to the real working world
Hi Nicole,
Yes! Students love hearing stories that are applicable to the course content.
Patricia Scales
Since my course is veterinary medicine, I would think taking them out in the field is an excellent way to show them and have them make notes of what they saw being done and have them compare that to the course. I also like the idea of using video, God bless youtube, of people doing tasks and having the students then critique it.
What comes to mind is providing students with real-life examples - especially those that touch on THEIR experiences. An example is when I taught about using money in fourth grade math class, we discussed having budgets, using their allowance money.
I usually have a speaker from the industry and in my case usually I try to book a recent graduate. A recent graduate has the ability to reiterate what I have told my students about studying etc but with more believability factor.
There are several ways in which students can be shown the relevancy of a course. first, the student should be shown how or why this cours eis significant to them personally or in their career field. Second, the student has to be shown how the course will have a direct relationship on their work performance and enhance their family lives by increasing their money making capabilities.
An instructor can communicate the relevancy of course content to students by relaying to them how theories presented can be applied and translated into everyday practice in their respective career fields. Specifically, an instructor may prompt a class discussion by highlighting key elements of course material that are in alignment with workplace expectations. Successful achievement of professional outcomes will necessitate true assimilation and integration of background knowledge, and having students understand the real-word implications of course content can significantly rally their investment and engagement in the course. Moreover, an instructor can underscore how mastery of course content and breadth of knowledge will afford students with the foundation and tools they need to excel in their chosen career paths.