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Ice Breaker Criteria

Should all Ice-Breakers be in a group setting?

Hi Jana,
No, individual ice breakers work well too, but it seems to be more fun when ice breakers are done in a group setting.

I like to use whole class ice breakers that are short and to the point -- say something no one else in the room can claim -- then I will usually say something like, I had a banana for breakfast or something equally insignificant. Simple and amusing - laughter is the best icebreaker

I typically implement a group ice breaker activity for two reasons. One, it of course encourages the students to get to know each other better and work on social skills. Two, as I teach in an audio engineering program, it is important for students to practice networking and pulling from an array of resources. As part of my ice breaker activity, I typically ask students to share what instruments they play. So, in addition to creating opportunities for the students to get to know each other better, it also fosters the opportunity for them to be able to network with their fellow students for future assignments and their future career.

I think it can be very helpful to the instructor and the students. It is nice to know everyones' journey - family life, work life, how they came to the decision to enroll in school, etc. Students become more familiar with each other, so discussion is easier in class for future topics.

No, I believe individual ones work just as well. I have my students stand and introduce themselves. They also tell everyone in the classroom why they have chosen their field.

Hi Tiffany,
Individual ice breakers are just as effective as group ice breakers. Ice breakers are a great way to bond and learn each other.

I think ice breakers are more suitable for groups, but it can also be individualized. In a group setting, it offers a chance for the team to become acquainted with one another in a way that is not uncomfortable or awkward. Ice breakers are the best way to help students get to know each other, to break the ice. I try to choose an ice breaker that won't backfire. Most adults do not want to play silly games. I also remember that ice breakers are also a great way to energize the classroom when or to introduce a new topic.

M. Allen

Hi Mamie,
I concur! The ice breaker should be meaningful. Adults do not like their time/money being wasted.

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