Keeping the attention of tired learners
I am new to the teaching profession, and will be instructing an evening class. I myself attended the same class at the same time and know how hard it was to focused. What stradigies could I use to keep them on track?
I try different strategies where this is concerned. I have played review games such as Jeapordy and other powerpoint games. Also just simply asking questions and involving the students can help as well.
Hi Marvin,
Whatever strategies you wanted the instructor to use to gain student involvement, those should be the things you do to make the class lively. Try role playing, case studies, guest speakers, hands-on activities, etc. to keep students involved.
Patricia Scales
Hi Melanie,
Active learning works well when students are tired.
Patricia Scales
I am so excited to get in the class room and try some activities. I have also been talking to some instructor around campus and they all same the same thing "that a vibrant personality goes a long way" i think im going to be OK. :)
Hi Marvin,
You are going to be just fine! Go into the classroom very energetic and that energy will trickle to your students.
Patricia Scales
currently i am cross training with on of the most energetic and animated personalities i have ever had the privilage to be around. now i can see how the students react to him and how it benifits everyone around him including other instructors.
I often allow my students to participate in peer groups, as this can be a more lively and engaging activity than simply listening to one person (instructor) lecture for the entire class period. I visit each group to contribute and participate in the activity.
When I notice the students growing tired and starting to tune me out I will tell an interesting story that pertains to the information I am instructing on at the time. Sometimes even just a silly joke from laffy taffy inserted into the lecture at the right time will be enough to get them back. Then continue with the lecture.
Hi Emily,
Great idea! I agree! Students sometimes can learn from each other better than they can from the instructor. It is super that you monitor this process as well.
Patricia Scales
movies after 9:30/10pm are not a great idea in my experience as little as that is. I have noticed that no matter how interesting and intrieging the video is, after a certain time the endocrine system and its amazingly powerfull and mystical circadium rythum mechanics will overpower and win exhaustion that even the most energetic peppy high energy student or instructor can be easily made a victim to loss of foccuss or even consciosness/sleep wise. so talking looking, touching, interacting, all activities that should take place once 9:30 or later creep around, save the movies for the begining of night class, at least thats my experience and insight so far.
I placed this reply in the Night Class forum, however, it seems to fit here as well.
The last hour of a four-hour class is brutal for the students. I can see them slowly drifting into another world of dreams, Facebook, and you tube. I attempt to counter this drift with humorous stories and antidotes related to the subject matter; I tend to become more animated and move around the classroom more; I pose scenarios with problems to see if and how the problems can be successfully resolved. At the end of class, I let them go, and then I too can drift into my world of....
One of the attendees to this session also pointed out the use of team projects. This forces the students to stay awake.
In addition to this I also give more breaks at night on lecture days. Just a quick stretch of the legs or drink of water wakes up the students quite a bit.
One of the easiest strategies you can use is just to continually walk around while you are lecturing. Their eyes and heads will follow you and they will stay alert. You can teach from anywhere in the classroom.
Hi Srey,
Night students are really tired. They have worked all day, therefore we must do all we can to keep them energized. I like to include some type of hands-on activity for night students.
Patricia Scales
Hi Steven,
I agree! Too many instructors do the same old things. Each class period, I stand in a different spot to lecture.
Patricia Scales
I found that changing the pitch, tone and volume of my voice helps. I use 'characters' to share information in the class--I will assume not only the voice but the mannerisms and attitude of the character. It keeps the students focused and keeps me alert too.
Hi Kelly,
Great ways to keep tired students alert. My voice projects, and it really does help keep students awake.
Patricia Scales
You should remeber that any student that attends school in the evenings ususally are more goal orientated and requires you to be up on your skills sn require the knowledge you,ve obtained to be easily given to them outside the sense that you havent prepare for the class. So be enegized , knowledge, motivational and well prepared with the knowledge of the course. Rember whatever you put into this class as well as the students is what you will get back. Good Luck.
sometimes when I lecture I ask students to highlight certain key points in their books to get their intrest Its usually something tht will be in the exam